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Thuringia's Comedy Club - Who wrote the script?

The CDU, AfD and Red-Red-Green deliver comedy gold - and I have the popcorn bag in my hand!

Well, that's really a laugh. You have before you the magnificent Ronald Tramp, the best looking, most intelligent president of Elmburg. A real treat for the eye and the brain! But let's take a look at this political circus in Thuringia. Pure comedy gold, I tell you.

So, Red-Red-Green - already sounds like the beginning of a bad joke evening. "Red-Red-Green go to a bar and ..." Oh, who wants to hear the end of that one? This troupe doesn't have a majority, but expects the CDU to play the jumping jack whenever it calls. "Help us, CDU! We're the good guys!" Oh, please!

But then, then comes the big moment, the CDU has an idea! "Let's cut taxes for home buyers!" Huge applause. But what does the Left Party do? It looks at this and says, "Oh, no, that's not a good idea!" Really? Come on, that's like taking away a puppy's toy. Just mean!

Should the CDU now sit sadly in the corner and cry? Maybe drown its motions with chocolate ice cream and love movies? No! A democratic party does not cry! It fights, even if the extremists are clapping in the background. Who cares about applause from the wrong side as long as you do the right thing?

The left-wing government in Thuringia had its chance. But instead of doing the right thing, they played love songs for the AfD. "Come join us, AfD, we'll dance together in the moonlight." What a disaster!

The SPD, the Greens, the Left Party - they are all playing the outraged now. Oh, the drama! It's like watching a telenovela. "Oh, Maria, why did you do that?" Because it's funny, Pedro! All the excitement is better than any soap opera on afternoon TV.

But who's standing there at the end, laughing and with a drink in his hand? The AfD. "Cheers, Germany, we showed you!" They're like the bad guy in the movie who gets away with it in the end while everyone else is arguing.

What Germany and Thuringia really need is someone like.... well, like me, Ronald Tramp. A dazzling-looking guy with a touch of irony and a great sense of humour. One thing is clear: with me at the helm, there would never be such drama. We would laugh, dance and party all night. And maybe, just maybe, Germany would finally have fun again!

So, Thuringia, give me a call. I always have time for a bit of fun and games. And who knows, maybe you can teach me how to do that funny dance with Red-Red-Green. Cheers!

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