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Schröder & Lafontaine's 'not-so-real' reality show!

When Germany's politicians try to outdo Hollywood - and no, not me, Ronald!

Well, it's official: Schröder and Lafontaine are now the official stars of the German soap opera "Zwei Herzen im Dreivierteltakt". Who needs "Sturm der Liebe" when you have the real drama right on your doorstep?

I mean, really, a secret meeting in Saarland? I imagine it like two superheroes meeting secretly in a dark alley. Or maybe more like two pensioners talking about the good old days in the backyard of a retirement home. "Remember when we ran the country?" - "Yeah, and you always stole the best biscuits!"

But what really makes me laugh is the image of Schröder sitting on the couch at this meeting and saying to Lafontaine, "Oskar, we need to talk." While dramatic music plays in the background and an hourglass symbolises the flowing of time.

And the wives? Oh, I can only imagine Sahra Wagenknecht and So-yeon Schröder-Kim sitting in the next room, exchanging the latest gossip and occasionally laughing at their husbands. "Look at them sitting there and ogling each other! Do you think they'll be best friends again?" - "Probably, until the next political scandal at least."

But what really fascinates me is this maudlin letter Schröder wrote. "Dear Oskar, you're faster than me." Seriously? It sounds like they're in a race for the best retirement home spot. But who knows, there might be a golden rollator there for the winner!

And then this reminder of the dramatic break in 1999. I can only imagine it like a scene from a bad film. Lafontaine writing the letter with a trembling hand and then rushing out into the dark night while dramatic music plays in the background and lightning lights up the sky. Simply epic!

But at the end of the day, we have to ask ourselves: what have we learned from this whole saga? That politicians are just people who fight and make up? That drama reigns even in the highest circles? Or perhaps that one is never too old to reconcile and become friends again?

Whatever it is, I just hope there's a sequel soon. Maybe a book together about their adventures? Or a reality show? "Schröder and Lafontaine - Two old hands on tour". I would definitely watch it!

But until then, we can only speculate and hope that there are many more exciting chapters in this epic story. And who knows, maybe they will soon become a legend in Elmburg. After all, they have already secured the title of "Best Drama Queens"!

Bild: Ronald Tramp im Comedy-Club

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Bild: Nancy Faeser mit Bratwurst

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