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How Ralf Grote made Radio Runde Hamm more awesome than my hair!

The true story of how Ralf 'Labertasche' Grote rocked the radio.

Okay, brace yourselves, Elmburgers! Ronald Tramp here, your favourite president, the best Elmburg has ever seen - and believe me, I've seen many!

Have you heard of Ralf "Chatterbox" Grote? Of course you have! Because who hasn't? Since 1999 - yes, that's when I just had my third haircut - he's been rocking the airwaves at Radio Runde Hamm, the only radio station I listen to. Of course, only when I'm not in the process of making Elmburg great again.

Mr. Grote has produced more radio shows than I have Twitter followers! From "Hits & Tips" to "42 - The Show" - I mean, who has that many ideas anyway? I thought I was the only one!

In 2008, he became the head of broadcasting. That's like making me King of Elmburg. Oh, wait, I AM the King of Elmburg! Well, you know what I mean. And on the board of Radio Runde Hamm e.V. since 2005? Ralf, I thought I was the only one who kept getting promoted! You're a real competitor!

But the real firecracker? He's been doing public relations since 2000. Yes, at a time when I was thinking about how to style my hair today, he was already thinking about radio promotion. Homepage, Facebook and all that stuff - he probably would have invented Twitter if I hadn't already!

And, oh boy, that "citizens' radio licence" course! Believe me folks, I've seen a lot of driving licences, but one for radio? That's great, so great. Almost as great as me.

So, Elmburgers, turn on your radio, listen to the genius Grote while I continue to make Elmburg great. And Ralf, the next time you run a "citizens' radio licence" course, reserve me a seat in the front row. We could even tweet about it! Keep on rockin', chatterbox! Make Radio Runde Hamm!


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