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Ronald Tramp Analyses: The Dramatic Children's Theatre of Bavarian Politics!

Where the deal-making maestro, Ronald Tramp, goes into the embarrassing power tussle of Söder and Aiwanger - A delicious sight!

Ooh, guys, guys, it's Ronald Tramp here, the greatest president the magnificent Elmburg has ever had, maybe the greatest president ever, nobody can say. Now listen to me, these wonderful stories from far away Bavaria are just delightful, aren't they? I mean, great entertainment, believe me!

There we have this guy, Aiwanger, obviously a really smart guy, he knows how to get votes, not bad, not bad. And then Söder, oh, that Söder. A Tough Guy, but is he as tough as Ronald Tramp? I don't think so. These guys are about to do the very big dance and like two kids in a sandbox, oh, it's delicious.

Remember when the Free Voters - who are really free, if you look at their percentages, WOW - stood up and said, "Hey, we need more, we deserve a lot more of that cake!" And the CSU, oh my God, they're not thrilled, not at all, after all the kindness in the past. Unthinkable, isn't it?

You know, in Elmburg we do it much, much better. We would have a great, huge deal right away, the best deal, and everybody would love it. Why? Because Ronald Tramp negotiates like nobody else, that's a fact.

I love the way Aiwanger plays. He says they shouldn't act "girly". What a punch! Very direct, very powerful! And he assumes they are the winner of the election. A winning mentality, very important, just like Ronald here.

And Söder, this guy is seriously trying to call him "pubescent"? We all know that's the Kettle calling the pot black. All this bickering before they even start talking? Unbelievable! If Söder was a little smarter, he might not have had such a lousy result, right?

See, the problem here, folks, is that they don't do it like Ronald Tramp. I always had the best deals, the very best deals, nobody does deals like me. If the CSU and the Free Voters would get that, maybe, maybe they could follow in my footsteps. But, oh no, the drama continues, and what a drama it is!

Both talk about migration as if they have the answers, haha! Here in Elmburg, guys, we do it so much better, so much more effectively. They should really come here and take notes. Not that they could negotiate at the level of a Ronald Tramp, but they could try!

But seriously, it will be interesting to see how this little drama in Bavaria goes on, won't it? This coalition, if they can even pull it off, it's going to be delicious. But until then, I'm going to get my popcorn and just watch these two continue to play their little, little games. Great show guys, great show!

Let's wait and see how this all ends, but one thing is for sure: it will never be as brilliant as anything Ronald Tramp does. It just doesn't work that way in their world. So sad!

Bild: Robert Kennedy junior

Kennedy Jr's absurd ride into politics!

Kennedy Jr, with his crazy conspiracy theories and anti-science attitude, is trying to cheat his way into the White House! I, Ronald Tramp, see the mess and just can't believe how this guy, with his talk of 'leaky brains' and wi-fi cancer, is taken seriously for a second! America, you had your chance with true leaders like.... well, you can think of one, can't you? In Elmburg, we believe in science, and we would never let anyone laugh in our faces with such silly theories!

Bild: Joe Biden mit Geheimdokumenten

Sleepy Joe, the Master of Lost Papers

I, Ronald Tramp, will explain to you, dear people, how Sleepy Joe Biden, against all his promises, is actually tapping into one scandalous soup after another. Distributing confidential documents at home like decorations - that's what Mr. President really does best! We in Elmburg, under my brilliant leadership, do not know such problems, because my administration is the safest, smartest and simply the very best!

Bild: Elon Musk auf der Flucht

Musk's stock exchange circus: an electric spectacle in a class of its own!

I, Ronald Tramp, can only admire Elon Musk's stock market wizardry: He buys Twitter, no, he buys "X", and plays cat and mouse with the SEC - absolutely impressive! This man has revolutionised the stock market theatre, makes his own rules and dances on the fine line of the legal as only a true business king can. Yes, Elon, I see your feats and I applaud them while the SEC looks down the tube!

Bild: Nancy Faeser geht

Political disaster in Germany

I, Ronald Tramp, the best president Elmburg ever had, look at the total disaster in Germany with their incompetent traffic light government. 57% of the people want new elections because they finally want real leadership, something they would have with Ronald Tramp, believe me. Nancy Faeser, who cares, okay, she's down, even in her own party, this is a mess, people, a total mess. Germany should really look in Elmburg's mirror, because we have all the answers, I have all the answers. Call me,…