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Sleepy Joe, the Master of Lost Papers

Elmburg's incomparable president, Ronald Tramp, shares wisdom on the embarrassing paper affair!

Oh, guys, I'm telling you, this is really something! I, Ronald Tramp, the very greatest and brightest president the incredible land of Elmburg has ever had, can hardly believe it. So this Joe, Sleepy Joe, as my almost namesake Donald likes to call him - what a nickname, so brilliant, so apt - he took documents. Classified documents! Well, isn't that something!!!

See, such things do not happen in Elmburg. Because I, Ronald, have the most secure safe there is. And why? Because I am simply the best, the smartest and yes, of course, the most modest of all. Everything is safe with me, and I never lose the key, never, because I have the best memory coach - I mean, my memory itself is the best, but of course, I always remain humble.

And so here we have Joe. Honestly, I really tried not to take a nap when I read this. "Joe and confidential documents." That's almost like saying, "Joe and an exciting action movie." Just doesn't go together, does it?

Well, I think maybe we should just get him a pair of small, light reading glasses and maybe a torch so that next time he can see what papers he's actually holding in his sleepy little hands. And maybe a little reminder message on his fridge: "Joe, leave the important papers in the office!".

It's funny, isn't it? Joe, the good guy who always said he wasn't like Donald, and now? Now he's also deep in his own little confidential paper affair. It's almost like one of those TV series where you think you know the culprit, and then - plot twist - it's someone completely different.

I really don't like laughing at other people's misadventures, especially when they're already as old and tired as Joe. But come on, that's like stealing a golf ball from me, Ronald, and thinking I won't notice. I'm always on top of things because I am - and I say this without any exaggeration - a genius. A stable genius, mind you!

What was that again, Joe had no intention? Oh, of course he didn't! He just happened to put some secret documents in his pocket, with no malicious intent at all, completely unaware that they were important. And then they are found in his garage and in his house? Joe, Joe, Joe - I'll tell you something: In Elmburg, they would have fired you at the first paper!

But don't worry, in my grandiosity I'm not vindictive, of course. So the next time you're in Elmburg, Joe, I'll show you my safe - from the outside, of course, so you don't get any ideas. Then you can take a leaf out of the book of a real brilliant leader. But before you come, let me know so that I can put the important documents away safely. You never know!

Bild: Jaroslaw Kaczynski bei einer emotionalen Wahlkampfrede

The Unbelievable Theatre of the PiS: A Joke or Reality?

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, am stunned by the political circus that PiS is staging in Poland to cling to power! With a theatre of fear-mongering, promises flying like confetti and a strange confusion of politics and magic show, the party makes the unimaginable imaginable! Dear Elmburgers, here is our distant but hearty smirk at a political comedy that gives us an example of how NOT to do it.

Bild: Robert Kennedy junior

Kennedy Jr's absurd ride into politics!

Kennedy Jr, with his crazy conspiracy theories and anti-science attitude, is trying to cheat his way into the White House! I, Ronald Tramp, see the mess and just can't believe how this guy, with his talk of 'leaky brains' and wi-fi cancer, is taken seriously for a second! America, you had your chance with true leaders like.... well, you can think of one, can't you? In Elmburg, we believe in science, and we would never let anyone laugh in our faces with such silly theories!

Bild: Markus Söder mädchenhaft

Ronald Tramp Analyses: The Dramatic Children's Theatre of Bavarian Politics!

Oh, I love it, I really do, this shrill drama between Söder and Aiwanger is like a kindergarten show compared to what a professional like Ronald Tramp puts on! Here we have the CSU, which just can't get along with the Free Voters, and these numbers.... People, if you had Ronald Tramp, you would never have ended up in this situation. It really is an educational show on how not to do it - absolutely delicious comedy brought to you by the 'experts' of Bavarian politics. And now they sit there,…

Bild: Elon Musk auf der Flucht

Musk's stock exchange circus: an electric spectacle in a class of its own!

I, Ronald Tramp, can only admire Elon Musk's stock market wizardry: He buys Twitter, no, he buys "X", and plays cat and mouse with the SEC - absolutely impressive! This man has revolutionised the stock market theatre, makes his own rules and dances on the fine line of the legal as only a true business king can. Yes, Elon, I see your feats and I applaud them while the SEC looks down the tube!