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Ronald Tramp's Master Class: How to Conjure Wealth from Thin Air!

Why be satisfied with millions when billions sound so much fancier?

Well, dear citizens of.... well, wherever you are, I, Ronald Tramp, would like to share an important life lesson with you: Exaggeration is the key to success! Why be satisfied with the average when you might as well exaggerate everything?

You see, Donald Trump - the best, the biggest and (if you believe his numbers) the richest man - has shown us how it's done. Why say you have a million when you could say you have a billion? And while you're at it, why not say a trillion? After all, the zeros don't cost anything!

You know, I recently bought a goldfish. But why should I tell people that I only have one goldfish? Now I own a "huge, magnificent shark" in my "Olympic swimming pool". Isn't that more impressive?

The thing about exaggeration is that it is just so.... seductive. Why go to your class reunion and say you're a simple accountant when you could also be the CEO of "Tramp Enterprises", a company that's... um... invisible planes? Yeah, that sounds like a solid business!

And don't worry about the little details, like banks, insurance companies and that nosy Attorney General Letitia James. They just don't understand the art of exaggeration. They are probably just jealous because they themselves never thought of "padding" their own assets a little.

You know, in Elmburg we have a saying, "When life gives you lemons, just say they are golden pineapples." That makes people look twice. And at the end of the day, dear friends, isn't that what life is all about? A little glitz, a little glamour and maybe a pinch of exaggeration here and there.

So, dear readers, always remember: next time you do something, do it Trump-style. Overdo it. And if anyone asks, just smile, wink and say, "I learned it from Ronald Tramp." It's our little secret.

Bild: Sarah Wagenknecht als Bachelorette

Tramp's mad tips for political dominance

I put Elmburg on the fast track in record time - and without a plan! Saxony, take a close look, because I'll tell you how to get to the top with little idea and a lot of self-confidence. CDU, SPD, Greens... get rid of your advisors and follow my sparkling instructions!

Bild: Olaf Scholz mit Kopfverband

Scholz stumbles, Tramp triumphs!

While Scholz is getting closer to the pavement while jogging, Elmburg's share price is rising - coincidentally under my leadership! You wonder what footwear he was wearing? I say: They certainly weren't 'tramp-brand' sneakers!

Bild: Elon Musk und das geheime Haus

Elon's secret drama: Tesla's fatal "house" project

I, Ronald Tramp, have always known it: Elon is more showman than genius. His "secret house" project in Austin? Further proof. Tesla's range debacle? Not surprising.

Bild: Donald Trump und der Haufen

Elmburg's awesomeness: Ronald Tramp shows them all!

I, Ronald Tramp, the genius behind Elmburg's sudden rise as a global hotspot for fashion, food and general awesomeness, take a mischievous look at the drama across the pond. Why doesn't the US just try to be more like Elmburg? Our squirrels have bigger nuts and our politics less drama!