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Ronald Tramp's sparkling Elmburg: We don't dig, we shine!

Cornwall in the mud: how their shovels and pickaxes just fall silent next to our glorious Elmburg splendour

Imagine, my people, we're sitting here in our glorious Elmburg, land of unlimited opportunity and boundless wealth, and what do we see? Cornwall - yes, that's right, that quaint, idyllic place from those cheesy romance novels - is suddenly on the map for.... wait for it.... MINERALS! Who would have thought? Cornwall is becoming the epicentre of the exciting new age of mining.

That Richard there, deep in the tunnels of old South Crofty, poking around in the dark looking for tin like it's the new Bitcoin. Well, Richard, I, Ronald Tramp, say to you, you might as well be looking for the Holy Grail because they, you know, in Elmburg, we have the best minerals, absolutely the best.

I say, I'm not a mining expert, but I know about mining, I understand that, and I tell you, if I, Ronald Tramp, were poking in the dark, it would certainly be with 24-carat gold at the other end.

This Andrew Smith, another brave mineral prospector, is drilling 700 metres into the earth with his diamond drill and getting out granite bars because, believe it or not, it's "white gold" to him. You can't make it up, people, you really can't! If I, Ronald Tramp, drilled, we would find diamonds because - why not? I deserve diamonds, Elmburg deserves diamonds!

The British plan, so listen, it's to become independent of those clever Chinese and everybody else. Isn't that cute? And all it takes is a little geopolitical crisis here and there to turn that light on. Well, me, Ronald Tramp, I don't need a crisis to have brilliant ideas. I just have them. I'm an ideas man, the best.

This British "Critical Minerals Strategy", it sounds big, doesn't it? But, what has it done so far? I don't see any progress, just a lot of talk. In Elmburg, we don't just talk, we act. If we had a strategy, the minerals would practically jump out of the ground just to be part of our success. Because they know we're winners, and minerals, they love winners.

And these supply chains - oh, this is the best part - they dig it all up, then send it all over the world just to get some of it back. It's like a completely reverse take-away service, but without the delicious food at the end. I tell you, in Elmburg, everything we need is done here because we can do everything. We don't need anyone and everyone needs us.

Mrs Wall, the expert, talks about "never being completely independent". So, if you ask me, she doesn't speak with enough Elmburg spirit. When Ronald Tramp speaks in Elmburg, the minerals listen and they obey.

Cornwall, I respect your new boom, I really do. But remember one thing: you could never be Elmburg, not without Ronald Tramp at the helm.

And so, my fellow Elmburgers, let us watch and learn. Learn how not to do it. And always remember: Elmburg first!

Bild: Elon Musk der falsche Weg ein Imperium zu führen

Elon's office blunders: A lesson in Tramp's leadership!

I, Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's most brilliant president, shine a light on Elon Musk's latest employee management misstep! He tried to manage his employees like rockets, but hey, people aren't rockets, Elon! Read on to learn what true leadership looks like, straight from a master of the deal - me!

Bild: Großmeister Ronald Tramp

"Elmburg First!" - Ronald Tramp Tread on the Chaos Debacle of the USA!

I, Ronald Tramp, president of the invincible Elmburg, look down on the delicious chaos in the USA and cannot help smiling gleefully. While they are mired in their own home-brewed political morass, Elmburg is floating on cloud nine under my fantastically brilliant administration. Simply hilarious, considering that the American "leading wolves" are more like a disoriented bunch of chickens, isn't it?

Bild: Ronald Hannibal Tramp

Trump's fantastic friend: Hannibal Lecter in the White House?!

Hold on to your plates, Elmburg! I, Ronald Tramp, present a delicate delicacy: Donald Trump finds a 'friend' in Hannibal Lecter, the gourmet of horror! In a political universe that could not be more absurd, Donald serves up a feast of ridiculousness. Put on your bibs; this is one satirical battle you can't miss!

Bild: Ronald "Fensterputzer" Tramp

The biggest job revolution the world has ever seen!

I, Ronald Tramp, the undisputed leader of Elmburg, bring you the simplest, most effective and breathtaking job solution ever. Forget Linnemann's ideas, they are a joke against my absolutely brilliant, revolutionary concepts that will take Elmburg to unmatched heights. I am the best the job market has ever seen and under my leadership Elmburg will be the shining star in the global business sky.