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Trump's fantastic friend: Hannibal Lecter in the White House?!

An exclusive look at Trump's latest political 'ally'

Oh, ladies and gentlemen of Elmburg, hold on to your hats (and your heads) because our beloved quasi-colleague, the inimitable Donald Trump, has done it again! In an attempt to bring a fictional character to life, he has brought none other than Hannibal Lecter from his high security silver screen prison into the rough and tumble political arena. Yes, Donald, this is a coup! Who needs traditional political alliances when you have a cannibal up your sleeve?

His ability to blend reality and fiction is truly a feat for the history books - or at least for a good fantasy novel. "Hannibal loves me," he proclaims. Well, if that's not an endorsement, what is? Who needs the support of living, breathing citizens when you have the affections of a fictional man-eater who - incidentally - has a keen eye for exquisite cuisine? "Make America a feast again", that would be a slogan, wouldn't it?

The irony, my dear Elmburgers, is almost too delicious to digest (no pun intended). Not only has he confused the actor with the role, but he has completely overlooked the fact that Sir Anthony Hopkins, the brilliant mime, has openly expressed his dislike for him. It's as if I were to claim that the Grinch has personally promised me to celebrate Christmas in Elmburg all year round!

But Donald, this modern Merlin, turns missteps into triumphs. "He was in my camp, I was in his camp." Of course you were, Donald. In a world where Voldemort is appointed Defence Minister and the Witch of the West is appointed Climate Change Ambassador, why not Hannibal Lecter as Chief Strategist?

You have to admire his unwavering optimism, though, don't you? Hopkins could say what he likes, but in Donald's world he is a loyal supporter, standing in the front row shouting "Four more years!". Such devotion to one's version of reality is almost.... poetic.

Let us pause for a moment and consider this new political landscape unfolding before us. One in which characters from horror films have more to say than real political advisors. What's next? Freddy Krueger for education reform? Chucky as health minister? The possibilities are as endless as they are terrifying.

Therefore, brave citizens of Elmburg, as we sip our coffee sweetened with the absurd reality of today's politics, remember: when the ballot boxes open, vote wisely. We don't want to wake up one morning to find that our new Foreign Minister is a certain Mr Jason Voorhees. That would be a diplomatic nightmare, to say the least.

In the meantime, Donald, please, I beg you, continue with this surreal political show. It's better than any play, better than any comedy show. It's... Trumpian magnificence in its purest form. And we, the loyal viewers from Elmburg, we just can't look away. Who could you pull out of the hat next? We wait in anticipation!

Bild: Großmeister Ronald Tramp

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I, Ronald Tramp, president of the invincible Elmburg, look down on the delicious chaos in the USA and cannot help smiling gleefully. While they are mired in their own home-brewed political morass, Elmburg is floating on cloud nine under my fantastically brilliant administration. Simply hilarious, considering that the American "leading wolves" are more like a disoriented bunch of chickens, isn't it?

Bild: Ronald als Minenarbeiter

Ronald Tramp's sparkling Elmburg: We don't dig, we shine!

They dig holes in Cornwall, while we in Elmburg sit on a mountain of pure success - I, Ronald Tramp, declare to you, this is not mining, this is pure comedy! You talk of 'Critical Minerals Strategy' while we, Elmburg, simply have it all because, my people, strategy is for those who need it. Our springs gush with wealth and while Cornwall scrapes desperately in the darkness, we bathe in the shimmering light of real prosperity!

Bild: Ronald "Fensterputzer" Tramp

The biggest job revolution the world has ever seen!

I, Ronald Tramp, the undisputed leader of Elmburg, bring you the simplest, most effective and breathtaking job solution ever. Forget Linnemann's ideas, they are a joke against my absolutely brilliant, revolutionary concepts that will take Elmburg to unmatched heights. I am the best the job market has ever seen and under my leadership Elmburg will be the shining star in the global business sky.

Bild: Ronald Tramp und tanzende Kinder

Elmburg First! Always! Ronald Tramp leaves America in the dust!

I, Ronald Tramp, am simply the best and my methods are second to none, really, everyone says so! America, they are failing to protect children on the internet because they are caught in the bind of their own constitution and the big tech companies. Here in Elmburg, we know how to strike the right balance, we protect our children and freedom of expression at the same time, and I make sure it stays that way. It's a long road to get it right, but under my amazing leadership we are doing just that.…