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The GREAT disaster of X

How I, Ronald Tramp, see the chaos of Elon Musk's Platform X

Well, here I am, Ronald Tramp, the fabulous President of Elmburg. Today I'm talking about X, that incredible, disastrous platform. Let's dive into the world of Elon Musk - the man who sends rockets into space but is clearly incapable of running a social network. It's so sad, so sad.

First IBM, now Disney and Apple. They're abandoning X like rats abandoning a sinking ship. I tell you, I've seen a lot of ships, and this one is sinking faster than the Titanic. They say it's about Nazi content and anti-Semitism. Hello? What century are we living in? This is so backward, so backward. Do I have to build a wall around X to stop this nonsense?

And then Elon Musk comes along and supports an anti-Semitic post. Elon, I thought you were smarter than that. But no, he's talking about "hate against white people". Really? That's the best you can say? You're the man who shoots cars into space and this is your response? So disappointing, so disappointing.

The EU Commission has also stopped its advertising. You know, I'm not a big fan of the EU, but they might have a point here. It's like a bad joke, but nobody is laughing. X is like a comedy club without comedians.

Now to the advertising revenue - or should I say the lack of advertising revenue. It's a disaster, folks. Musk says revenue is cut in half. I've seen better business numbers in a children's toy shop. He's trying subscription models, but who wants to pay for that? I don't. I don't.

And this ADL thing, such a farce. Musk accuses them of being to blame for the exodus of advertisers. He's threatening lawsuits! Haha, as if that's going to change anything. It's like a desperate attempt to avoid the inevitable. As the saying goes, if you fall into a hole, stop digging.

Friends, X is a prime example of how not to do it. It's like making the blind fox the keeper of the henhouse. It's a textbook example of poor leadership, terrible PR and disastrous decision making. If I were president of X - oh wait, I am president, but of Elmburg - I would have solved this in a minute. But alas, I am not. So sad.

To summarise: thank you, X, for this instructive example. You're like a reality TV show that's so bad you can't look away. It's a disaster, but an instructive disaster. As the fabulous president of Elmburg, I say to you, we need to learn from this and do better. Let's get on with it. We will do it great. Really great.

Bild: Donald Trump und seine Anwälte

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Bild: Ronald Meister der Politik

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Bild: Ronald Erdogan

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