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Tramp Triumph: The era of the greatest

An insider's look at my glorious presidency in Elmburg

Okay, folks, get ready - Ronald Tramp, the President of Elmburg, here. As you know, I'm not only incredibly modest, I'm also a genius. A real genius. And now, I'm going to tell you how I've made Elmburg - the greatest country in the world, maybe even the universe - even greater.

First of all, the economy. I saved it. Saved it on a level no one thought possible. Economists? We don't need them. I have instinct. The best instinct. The figures? Through the roof. And it's all down to me. Of course.

The wall? A masterpiece. I said it would be big, and it is enormous. Huge. Keeps out everything we don't want. Some say it was too expensive. I say, can you value security in dollars? I don't think so.

Now, environment. I love the environment. Nobody loves the environment more than me. Trees, animals, all that stuff. But this climate change? A fabrication. A big hoax. I have the best eye for hoaxes. And I'm telling you: We need more CO2, not less. More CO2, more trees, more everything.

Foreign policy? I'm the best diplomat. All countries love me. They call and say: "Ronald, we need your help." Because they know I make the best deals. Deals that make Elmburg great. The other countries? They have to adapt. That's only fair.

Education? I have turned the system upside down. Our children? They'll be geniuses. Like me. We teach them how to win. Because that's what counts. Winning. And who teaches how to win better than me? Nobody.

Healthcare? Revolutionised. Diseases? No chance against my policies. I'm telling you, I've created the best healthcare system. Simple, effective, incredible.

Social media? I am a star. A superstar. My tweets? Legendary. Everyone hangs on my every word. They want the truth? I give it to them. Unadulterated. No fake news. Only tramp news. The best news.

And let's talk about modesty. I'm so humble, it's unbelievable. I'm not bragging. I just tell it like it is. And the way it is is that I'm a great president. The best.

So, Elmburg, listen up: my presidency is a triumph. A historic triumph. People will still be talking about my tenure a thousand years from now. Because I'm not just a president. I am a legend. A myth. A symbol of success.

In conclusion, remember: Vote Tramp. Always. Because nobody does it better than me. Nobody. Elmburg first, today, tomorrow, forever. Thank you, and remember: I'm not just the president, I'm the best thing that ever happened to Elmburg.

Bild: Ronald Astronaut

Tramp's wisdom: Rockets, fame and setbacks

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Bild: Donald Trump und seine Anwälte

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Bild: Elon Musk auf dem sinkenden Schiff

The GREAT disaster of X

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Bild: Ronald Meister der Politik

Ronald Tramp: The true master of politics speaks plain language

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