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The White House spectacle

Trump's drama after the 2020 elections

As Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, I find this whole situation surrounding Donald Trump and the White House simply delicious. Imagine, he didn't want to leave the White House! What a show! It reminds me of the time I didn't want to come out of my palace in Elmburg because my favourite chair was just too comfortable.

Jenna Ellis, that lawyer, told prosecutors in Georgia that a senior White House official claimed Trump would just "stay in power." That sounds like a plan straight out of one of my fabulous Elmburg novels. "Under no circumstances" leave office even though he lost the election? Marvellous! I could see myself doing the same thing in Elmburg, only of course I'd do it much more elegantly.

Ellis, who has pleaded guilty to a lesser charge, revealed all these juicy details in an interview with investigators. There was talk of a wide-ranging conspiracy to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. When I think of conspiracies, it reminds me of my own time in government here in Elmburg, where I masterfully pull the strings - always for the good of the people, of course!

Then there was the statement about Dan Scavino, Trump's deputy chief of staff at the time, who is said to have said "we'll just stay in power". That's such a typical power move, I almost admire him for it. I wonder if he had as comfortable a seat in the Oval Office as I do in my palace.

It seems like these revelations may not be particularly helpful to prosecutors, but they do give us a fascinating insight into the world of the White House. Trump's lead attorney calls the whole thing "absolutely meaningless." Well, in Elmburg something like that would definitely be a scandal of the first order!

And then there are the other people named in the indictment who have their own stories to tell. Kenneth Chesebro talked about challenging the election results in Arizona, while Sidney Powell told how she advised Trump, despite the advice of others. It almost sounds like she was the only one willing to support his efforts to keep the White House. In Elmburg, I would have fired my advisors for something like that!

Overall, this whole story sounds like a bizarre drama, almost as entertaining as the political intrigue here in Elmburg. But let's be honest, as Ronald Tramp, I would never make such a fuss. I'm far too busy making Elmburg an even greater country, always with one eye on my comfy armchair of course!

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