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The X crisis: an Elmburg all-round attack

From Twitter to X - Musk's digital mess

Ronald Tramp here, President of Elmburg. You know, the one with the best words and the best tweets. Now that I look at what's happened to this platform X - formerly known as Twitter before Elon Musk bought it and completely turned it around - I have to say it's almost as if someone took over a successful casino and turned it into a circus for clowns. And not the funny clowns, but the ones you were scared of as a kid.

So here's the thing: according to Bitkom, a pretty smart bunch, one in three people in Germany want to delete their profile on X. Why? Because it's teeming with hate speech and disinformation. I mean, I'm a fan of "telling it like it is", but this is like a bad joke with no punchline. Since Musk took over, X has become more of a wild west show - anyone can do what they want and the law enforcers are virtually non-existent. The content moderators? Sacked! The disinformation and hate speech? On the rise! And the advertising revenue? In free fall!

Now for my favourite part: Musk's great plan, everyone can buy a blue tick. Great, isn't it? Now everyone can pretend to be important. Really, a brilliant idea. *cough* irony *cough*. And then there's this thing with the anti-Semitic tweets from Musk himself. I tell you, it's like a car crash - you just can't look away.

But here's the thing: are there alternatives? Sure there are! There's Mastodon, Bluesky, Threads by Meta - all sorts of shiny new toys. But let me be clear: Twitter, now X, was unique. This whole microblogging idea? There's no killing it. It's like a good burger - you can't just replace it with a salad.

So what do I do, Ronald Tramp? I stay on X because, hey, I love the attention. But I'm also on the lookout for the next big thing. Because, as we all know, in the world of social media, today's best is tomorrow's old cheese.

Overall, folks, X is a classic case of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it.... Until it's broken". Musk has taken a well-running machine and turned it into a mess. And I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, say to you: it's time to explore the alternatives. Because who knows? Maybe the next big thing is just a click away. Or maybe we'll just build our own platform. With blackjack and... well, you know.

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