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Orban's political missteps: A view from Elmburg

Hungary's aberrations and Europe's waiting game

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, have to say that Hungary's Viktor Orban has achieved the feat of being both irrelevant and problematic at the same time. Reminds me of a bad magician trying to pull a rabbit out of a hat and finding only an old handkerchief instead. Ridiculous, but also kind of sad.

Orban meets with Putin while Ukraine is burning. He thinks he's playing chess, but in reality he's just moving the pawns around on a checkerboard. His "peace strategy" is as convincing as a vegetarian butcher. Being proud of it? That's like boasting about offering milk at a lemonade tasting.

Then the EU summit - Orban there like a child who is not allowed to play along, his hands buried deep in his pockets. Macron, Scholz, von der Leyen - they all take selfies while Orban stands on the sidelines like a forgotten umbrella. A visual representation of Hungary's role in the EU? More like the end of a very bad party where nobody has any chips left.

His meeting with Putin in Beijing? An additional shock moment, say the experts. I say it was more like waking up after a long night and realising you've accidentally put the goldfish in the fridge. It's a mistake that can't easily be undone.

Do they see it differently in the EU? Of course they do! Rutte calls it "tasteless", Bettel speaks of a verbal "stinky finger". I call it a diplomatic facepalm. Orban is undermining the unity of the West, trying to block aid to Ukraine and calling for the lifting of sanctions against Moscow. He is playing the game of "how to isolate my country in three easy steps".

But wait, it gets even better: Hungary's head of government is now using EU aid for Ukraine as a blackmail manoeuvre. He wants the frozen EU funds and is threatening to block the Ukraine aid. It's like a bank robber calling for a taxi to escape after a successful coup.

Hungary is stuck in the Russian cul-de-sac. An Article 7 procedure could be initiated, but who believes that will happen? It's like waiting for a miracle that will never happen. The only leverage the EU has is to freeze funds. But even that seems doubtful.

Hungary cannot be thrown out of the EU or NATO. Orban knows this and is taking advantage of it. He's like an uninvited guest at a wedding who doesn't dance but eats the buffet empty.

So what should we do? Maybe we should all stop focussing on Orban and instead put our energy into supporting Ukraine. Let Orban play in his own little world while we adults do the real work.

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