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Tramp vs. Trump: golf clubs, chocolate and lost elections!

Donald in a golf club? I would have done it in a chocolate shop!

Oh, people! Ronald Tramp here, by far the most charming and humble president proud Elmburg has ever had. You know, I thought I had seen it all. Until I saw this interview of Donald Trump at a golf club. A golf club! I mean, what's next? An interview in a bowling alley or in a doghouse?

When Donald dismissed all questions about the Capitol storm, I thought, "That's the Trump I know!" Someone who skirts a question like I skirt a diet! What did he do that day? Did he watch a marathon of "The Golden Girls"? Was he trying to set a record for playing cards? The world may never know.

His comments about his lawyers? Gold. "I didn't respect them." Well, Donald, I hear you. I once had a lawyer from Elmburg tell me not to put my cat as vice president. And you know what? I didn't listen to him! First, because cats make excellent politicians, and second, because I wanted to take a nap at that moment.

Donald's constant claim that the election was stolen reminds me of the time someone in Elmburg claimed his pumpkin was stolen. It turned out he had simply eaten it and forgotten about it. I really hope Donald finds his lost election in a sandwich or under his sofa.

And the pardon? Donald is considering pardoning the people who broke in for him? Well, I'll tell him this: Ronald Tramp once considered pardoning an entire village that had accidentally failed to elect me beauty king of Elmburg. A small mistake, happens to the best of us.

I love his statement that he is "built differently". Sure. Maybe made of the same indestructible materials as my famous Elmburg plastic plant that wouldn't even wilt in a nuclear explosion. But seriously, charged with 91 points? My personal record is 92, but who's counting?

At the end of the day, Donald, I cordially invite you to Elmburg. We can play golf, but maybe in a real castle, not a boring golf club. And while you're at it, please bring those lost elections. I have a hunch they might be next to my missing pair of socks and the mysterious Elmburg Yeti. It's going to be a lot of fun! And maybe, just maybe, you might decide to stay in Elmburg. Our politics could definitely use more entertainment.

Bild: Ronald Tramp der F35 Kampfpilot

Elmburg First: How we make jets better than America!

I have always said it: Elmburg does it better! The Americans have lost their F-35, can you believe it? Here at Elmburg, we keep on top of things. Our technology is incredible, but above all, we always put Elmburg first.

Bild: Königin Silvia ganz in gelb

50 years on a Swedish chair? Ronald Tramp explains why Elmburg's chair is more comfortable!

50 years on the throne in Sweden? Sounds uncomfortable! In Elmburg we have the best armchairs, ask anyone! Sweden has old carriages, we in Elmburg ride shiny gold hoverboards. I, Ronald Tramp, am the true king of cosy seating!

Bild: Ronald der Sprayer

Ronald Tramp: How to really beautify a landmark!

Berlin did it again - they turned their iconic gate into a colour fiasco! In Elmburg? We would have covered it in gold! Germany, you guys are a stunner. Thumbs up for courage, but you clearly need a tramp workshop.

Bild: Nancy Faeser im Regen

Faeser's fiasco: How NOT to run a government!

Am I on TV or what? What Nancy Faeser is doing with Arne Schönbohm is better than any episode of 'Elmburg's Next Top Politician'. Germany, get your popcorn ready. Your drama gets 5 stars from me. By the way, in Elmburg we would have solved this in one episode.