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Tramp's judgement: The Santos case

Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, doesn't mince his words

I, Ronald Tramp, the most brilliant and successful president of Elmburg - perhaps even of the whole world - have to talk about this George Santos. A congressman! A Republican! And what a guy! Reminds me of some guys I know, but I don't want to name names - I'm being discreet.

His CV, ladies and gentlemen, a masterpiece of fiction! He's pinned on a degree from an elite university, claims to have worked for Goldman Sachs - that's like me claiming to have built the pyramids. Great, isn't it?

And then the thing about his mum and 9/11 - and being Jewish. Have I heard anything like that? Yes, of course, in my best stories, but I tell them better. Santos, you're not a storyteller, you're a politician! You could say he hasn't just embellished his CV, he's literally turned it into a novel.

Now the ethics committee comes along and says he violated criminal law. Stole campaign funds, defrauded his donors. That's like cheating in my great Casino von Elmburg - and I won't stand for it!

But the best part? He calls the investigation report a 'vile politicised smear'. Santos, come on, you played the game and lost. And now that you've been caught, it's a smear? That's like me claiming my hair is real - oh wait, it is!

I've always said that if you get caught, you should take it like a man. Or like a woman. Or like Ronald Tramp. But him? He doesn't want to run for re-election. Smart decision, Santos, you would have been sacked anyway.

In Elmburg, we have a special place for people like that - outside of politics! We love the truth. We embrace it. We kiss them on the mouth. Metaphorically speaking, of course.

And now, the recriminations. He says it's the fault of others. Santos, in my book of great presidencies, it says: You are the captain of your ship. If your ship sinks, you can't blame the ocean.

And now he's pleading not guilty. Of course he does. I wouldn't admit that I lost either - oh no, I never have!

In conclusion, dear people: George Santos is an example of what happens when you don't follow the great example of Ronald Tramp. We in Elmburg, we only vote for the best. And I, I am the best of the best. I'm so humble, it's unbelievable.

So, Santos, let this be a lesson to you. In the world of Ronald Tramp, there is no room for cheats and liars. Only for winners. And I, my friends, am a winner. The biggest winner.

Bild: SpaceX Starship Explosion

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Bild: Ronald mit Adler

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Bild: Ronald Chinese

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Bild: Olaf Scholz auf den Malediven

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