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TV clown against politics: The Böhmermann scandal!

How Jan Böhmermann is stirring up German politics with Fake News - Ronald Tramp reveals the truth!

Guys, I have never experienced anything like this in my entire term as President of Elmburg! Jan Böhmermann - that guy from ZDF - just think of him! He makes some ridiculous accusations against the ex-cyber chief Arne Schönbohm, and everyone goes nuts? Unbelievable! And I thought our media in Elmburg was bad!

The famous Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser, from the SPD, also gets her comeuppance. It's like a bad movie. The cyber chief is deposed because of rumours spread by a TV programme? Seriously? We would never allow something like that to happen here in Elmburg.

Schönbohm allegedly had contacts with the Russians? That turned out to be false. Fake news, people! Typical of what you see on TV these days. And this Böhmermann is celebrated by everyone. I hear he's a comedian? Well, I hope he's better at his job than he is at finding the truth!

The great professor Christian Hillgruber, a smart guy from Bonn - I like Bonn, a beautiful city, really top - he got to the point. He says that Böhmermann's TV games should be stopped. And I agree with him 100%. It's crazy that a TV show can have so much power. A TV show that people have to pay for! Madness!

It's like allowing any comedian or TV clown to influence the career of a civil servant, just by making a few unverified accusations. That's not a joke, that's dangerous!

And what about the SPD guy, the head of the interior committee? Lars Castellucci? He admits that Schönbohm was removed because of the Böhmermann show. Wow! I never thought I would say this, but maybe we have the better politicians in Elmburg after all!

At the end of the day, it's just sad to see how politics reacts to such TV clowns. I always say, "Don't believe everything you see on TV." Unless, of course, it is news about my great successes in Elmburg. Then you can be sure it's true!

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