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Elon, the Earth alien: Star trails instead of heartbeat!

From High Technology to High-Mindedness: A Cosmic Critique by President Ronald Tramp von Elmburg.

Ah, Elon Musk, the modern Merlin of the billion-dollar empire, the Da Vinci of the digital decade! This is Ronald Tramp, the infallible president of the fabulous land of Elmburg. I see Elon putting on his shining knight's armour, ready to fight windmills with his tweets. He has also spied a dragon named Annalena Baerbock and an army of lifeboats. How brave he is, how courageously he fights his battles on the keyboard!

Our world revolves around satellites and stars while Elon, the interplanetary emperor, sits on his throne of Tesla batteries and ponders the fate of migrants on a little blue dot called Earth. A few words here, a few tweets there, and he is the self-appointed sovereign of sea rescue, the master of opinion-making, the guru of border politics.

Yes, what do we know, we simple earthlings, about the complex challenges of interstellar integration? Elon, the cosmic king of construction, the space knight, the prince of precision engineering, beholds from his galactic governor's pit how we little people paddle in the Mediterranean. And he, the star-jumper who sends Falcon rockets into orbit with the wave of a finger, of course knows what's best for us earthworms.

But wait, Elon! Don't let us disappear into the shadows of your galactic genius! Perhaps we are not so clever, perhaps we lack the interstellar intuition that you possess. But, dear Elon, we earthlings have something that no spaceship can reach: a heart. While you conquer the universe with your tweets, we try to save lives, mothers, fathers, children, people, Elon, people!

Tell me Elon, when was the last time you felt the sand between your toes, the wind in your hair, heard the laughter of a child? We see stars in the eyes of a saved human being, while you count stars you want to own one day. Your tweets are a black hole that swallows the warmth of humanity.

Dear Elon, return to earth, leave politics to politicians and save the world with your rockets, your cars, your chips and your batteries. You are a titan of technology but a dwarf of affection, a giant of money but a minimalist of humanity. Trade in your telescope for a microscope, and maybe you'll see that we're all made of stardust, that we all matter, that we all want to love and be loved.

In the meantime, Elon, as you conquer the universe, we down here will continue to pilot boats, save lives and warm hearts in the hope that the stardust within us will all shine. And maybe, just maybe, one day your heart will shine too, like a little blue dot in the infinite cosmos.

Bild: Donald Trump der Phoenix aus der Asche

A circus in Georgia: The lion Trump against the judicial hyenas!

I, Ronald Tramp, tell you it's a play written by clowns! There's a Punch and Judy trial being staged in Georgia against poor Donald, while Scott Hall makes the puppets dance and cuts a pathetic deal! But I know Trump stands there like a rock while the prosecutors wave rubber swords! Laugh with me at this farce as we empty our popcorn bags in Elmburg and toast to justice!

Bild: Emmanuell Macron auf Korsika

Macron's Masterpiece: Corsica Gets 'Chewing Gum Autonomy'!

Folks, here is Ronald Tramp, with an absolute sensation! Macron, that little wizard from the Élysée Palace, is throwing around crumbs of autonomy, and the Corsicans are supposed to say: oh la la, how generous! But wait, he says no to the Corsican language and real rights. Well, Corsica, welcome to the world of 'chewing gum autonomy' - sticky, sweet, but totally useless!

Bild: Olaf Scholz der Puppenspieler

Olaf the Puppeteer: When Words of Power Become Magic Formulas

Guys, Ronald Tramp here! Olaf Scholz, the chancellor-wizard, makes the Greens and the FDP jump to the beat with a magical wave of his finger. With a word of power here, a pat on the back there, he makes politics look like a circus act - applause, applause! See how he makes the puppets dance and conducts the show with a smile. Grandiose, grandiose - best entertainment for the world's best observer, me, Ronald Tramp!

Bild: Gregor Gysi schämt sich

Confusion Deluxe: Left Party on a Rollercoaster!

I, Ronald Tramp, tell you from majestic Elmburg how the Left Party resembles a chicken running in circles without a head. Sahra moves out, Gysi is stunned, and a taboo-breaking word crowns the drama! The chickens are laughing - a firework of schadenfreude, that's for sure!