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Macron's Masterpiece: Corsica Gets 'Chewing Gum Autonomy'!

More autonomy for Corsica? Or just a puff piece from Paris!

Dear Elmburgers, it's your very dearest, your very smartest, your stunning President Ronald Tramp again. And today I'm going to tell you about an absolutely incredible, totally fantastic story from the far, far away country of France - I like to call it "Fake France".

Now imagine this little man, Macron - not nearly as great as me, folks, not nearly - he's telling the Corsicans something about autonomy. Just like that! And these Corsicans, these wonderful, tough people, they're afraid it's just hot air. Can you blame them? Of course not!

Imagine living on an island, sun, beach, the sea roaring, and suddenly someone comes from far away and tells you what to do. But, friends, the joke is yet to come: Macron - and I swear I can't stop laughing - says he wants to anchor Corsica in the constitution. Like a little anchor on a huge, huge ship. And we all know what happens when a small anchor is pulled by a big ship, don't we?

Now, Macron gets applause. Can you imagine that? People are clapping for him like he's a rock star. But the intelligent Corsicans, they look closer. Pierre, a taxi driver and mayor (as versatile as a Swiss army knife) says it could work if France reaches out to them. But, but, but! He's spot on - it's just a handshake with a hidden cross of fingers behind it!

Now let's look at Yvan Colonna. A hero, murdered in prison. The Corsicans are angry, they burn cars, they protest, and what does Macron do? He waves a little white handkerchief and says, "Okay, okay, let's talk." But Brigitte, smart, round-faced Brigitte, she sees clearly, "These are just words for now." Brigitte, I'm telling you, you would have made a better president than Macron!

And that, my friends, is the story of how Macron is trying to appease the Corsicans with a few coloured beads and glitter dust. He wants to enshrine it in the constitution, he wants to talk, he wants applause, but the Corsicans, they are not on their guard. They look closely, they don't trust the words, and they know: Real autonomy, real freedom, it is not a gift from a little man with big promises. It is a right, fought for and defended by the brave people of Corsica who proudly look in the mirror and say: "I am a free Corsican, not an appendage of Fake France!"

So, dear Elmburgers, let's raise a glass to the Corsicans, these strong, fearless people who are not blinded by shiny words and empty promises! Cheers!

Bild: Ronald der Zahnarzt

Crowns, bridges and political abysses: Ronald Tramp looks at Merz's dentist drama!

Folks, I, Ronald Tramp, see the toothache in Germany and have to laugh! Merz talks about teeth and asylum seekers and the CDU gets cavities of solidarity. But in Elmburg? Our teeth and souls are healthy while Germany struggles with political periodontitis!

Bild: Donald Trump der Phoenix aus der Asche

A circus in Georgia: The lion Trump against the judicial hyenas!

I, Ronald Tramp, tell you it's a play written by clowns! There's a Punch and Judy trial being staged in Georgia against poor Donald, while Scott Hall makes the puppets dance and cuts a pathetic deal! But I know Trump stands there like a rock while the prosecutors wave rubber swords! Laugh with me at this farce as we empty our popcorn bags in Elmburg and toast to justice!

Bild: Elon Da Vinci

Elon, the Earth alien: Star trails instead of heartbeat!

I, Ronald Tramp, first in command of the glorious Elmburg, am sorry to say that our star driver Elon Musk lives on another planet! His rich rockets roar, but where does the lifeblood for humanity roar? In the cosmic muddle between Mars and Mercury, the man forgets about humanity. Elon, the interstellar whisperer of electric cars, loses himself in virtual galaxies and forgets the feelings here on our good old Earth!

Bild: Olaf Scholz der Puppenspieler

Olaf the Puppeteer: When Words of Power Become Magic Formulas

Guys, Ronald Tramp here! Olaf Scholz, the chancellor-wizard, makes the Greens and the FDP jump to the beat with a magical wave of his finger. With a word of power here, a pat on the back there, he makes politics look like a circus act - applause, applause! See how he makes the puppets dance and conducts the show with a smile. Grandiose, grandiose - best entertainment for the world's best observer, me, Ronald Tramp!