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Olaf the Puppeteer: When Words of Power Become Magic Formulas

An enchanting spectacle from the distant view of the great Ronald Tramp!

Ladies and Gentlemen! Here he is, the incomparable, the unique, the unmistakable Ronald Tramp, President of the glorious land of Elmburg. I am here to explain to you the mystery of Olaf Scholz and his magic of the word of power. Come with me on a journey through the trials and tribulations of German politics.

Just the other day, good old Scholz, whom they call Chancellor, put the Greens in their place. That's right! Annalena Baerbock, a lady with a charming smile but apparently little sense of timing, stood up against the tightening of EU asylum rules. Well, I say, she can be as charming as she likes, but even she can't stand up to a power word from Scholz. The man simply has style, it must be said!

And then that glorious moment when the leader of the Greens, a certain Omid Nouripour, announced on television, "There is no power word. We are in agreement." Ah, the sweet irony! The next day, Germany stands by the EU compromise for the tightened asylum system, and Nouripour's words fizzle out in the windy Berlin breeze. You can't see it, but I assure you, I'm wearing my widest grin right now.

But friends, don't think I'm superficial. I also see the dramas behind the scenes. There we have the miraculous transformation of the nuclear power plants. First a clear "no" from the Greens, and then - whoopee and drum roll - Scholz lets the reactors run for another 3.5 months. What a masterstroke! And the Greens, oh, they swallow the bitter pill and sulk in the corner. A picture for the gods!

And just when you think the theatre is over, oh no, the curtain rises again. The FDP, ah those sly foxes, they want to keep nuclear energy going. But our intrepid hero Scholz unceremoniously declares it a "dead horse". One blow, one victory, out, end, curtain closed!

And yet, friends, the drama does not end. The Greens, the poor souls, they feel they have been treated unfairly. The debt brake, this bureaucratic monster, could have been overturned, but again Scholz steps in and holds everything together. How does he do it? I say it must be magic, yes, pure magic!

Well, there they sit, the Greens, lost in a maze of politics, power words and compromises, looking for the way out. Will they find it? Who knows! I for one, Ronald Tramp, am watching the spectacle from afar and enjoying myself immensely. What a show, ladies and gentlemen, what a show!

Bild: Emmanuell Macron auf Korsika

Macron's Masterpiece: Corsica Gets 'Chewing Gum Autonomy'!

Folks, here is Ronald Tramp, with an absolute sensation! Macron, that little wizard from the Élysée Palace, is throwing around crumbs of autonomy, and the Corsicans are supposed to say: oh la la, how generous! But wait, he says no to the Corsican language and real rights. Well, Corsica, welcome to the world of 'chewing gum autonomy' - sticky, sweet, but totally useless!

Bild: Elon Da Vinci

Elon, the Earth alien: Star trails instead of heartbeat!

I, Ronald Tramp, first in command of the glorious Elmburg, am sorry to say that our star driver Elon Musk lives on another planet! His rich rockets roar, but where does the lifeblood for humanity roar? In the cosmic muddle between Mars and Mercury, the man forgets about humanity. Elon, the interstellar whisperer of electric cars, loses himself in virtual galaxies and forgets the feelings here on our good old Earth!

Bild: Gregor Gysi schämt sich

Confusion Deluxe: Left Party on a Rollercoaster!

I, Ronald Tramp, tell you from majestic Elmburg how the Left Party resembles a chicken running in circles without a head. Sahra moves out, Gysi is stunned, and a taboo-breaking word crowns the drama! The chickens are laughing - a firework of schadenfreude, that's for sure!

Bild: Markus Söder - König von Bayern

SPD & CSU in crash mode: A masterpiece of failure!

Folks, I, Ronald Tramp, can tell you that this is a first-class spectacle! Nancy Faeser and the SPD in Hesse? Slipping like butter on a hot pan. And Söder with his CSU? The shine is gone, friends, gone like my interest in facts. In Elmburg? Unimaginable, because here the master, Ronald Tramp, wields the sceptre!