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Golden lessons from Elmburg: Germany, where is your calculator?

If Germany would attend our golden finance academy ...

So really, dear people, I just heard from my gold-trimmed throne in Elmburg - yes, we have gold thrones here, very fancy, don't ask how much they cost - this news from Germany. And I thought my financial advisors were pulling my leg! Five times higher? What do they have for calculators, one-euro shop models?

Christian Lindner, oh, that guy! Did he forget his glasses and not see the figures correctly? A hole of 15 billion euros? Here in Elmburg that would be.... well, okay, we probably wouldn't have noticed it because our money mostly goes to our gold-studded water parks. But still, it's the principle that counts!

And what is this constant back and forth with the debt brake? Have they misplaced the brake or are they using it as a Frisbee? In Elmburg we don't have a debt brake. We only have golden credit cards - unlimited, of course.

And this Federal Audit Office, apparently the only place in Germany where the calculators work. Good work, people! "Planning increasing expenditures without clarifying their financing", that's like planning to go to the moon without having a spaceship. Where are you going, Germany? To the moon or to bankruptcy?

I see disputes within the coalition here. No wonder! If I got a gold bar for every time our government argued... oh, wait, we actually do.

So, dear German government, a little tip from Ronald Tramp, the very successful and very humble president of Elmburg: maybe try gold-tipped calculators? They may not be more accurate, but at least they look good while calculating the financial mess!

Bild: Digitalminister Ronald Tramp

Wissing's comedy show: A minister who blinks more than he thinks!

Wissing might as well want to empty the ocean with a spoon - at least if his "genius" has its way. Between missed climate targets and "high-tech" solar panels, he seems to be playing in his own soap opera. Let me, Ronald Tramp, guide you through this cabaret of disasters. It's going to be... huge!

Bild: Abraham Lincoln

The great America... or is it the old people's home?

America, I loved you, but now I'm just gobsmacked! Your top politicians could be my bingo partners in Elmburg. My hairspray dries faster than your senators answer. In our country, it would be Sunday brunch entertainment at best. Get some of Elmburg's charm and... Hurry!

Bild: Ronald Tramp im Geldregen

Citizen's Income? Germany, you're fired!

I, Ronald Tramp, the absolute genius of Elmburg, must once again explain to the Germans how to run a country. Citizen's money? More like loser's money! Elmburg always wins - without citizen's money. You can thank me later.

Bild: Olaf Scholz und der Weihnachtsmann

Olaf's fantasy world: Nuclear power a "dead horse"?

I heard Olaf Scholz's statements on nuclear energy and thought I was in fairyland! Germany is giving away great potential with such narrow-minded thinking. While other countries shine, Germany remains in the dark. Nuclear power is the key, not a "dead horse". Germany, it's time to wake up!