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Olaf's fantasy world: Nuclear power a "dead horse"?

Ronald Tramp reveals: How Germany is on the Road to Darkness.

Well, I have to say I almost fell off my chair when I heard Olaf Scholz on the radio. Nuclear power a "dead horse"? Olaf, my friend, in Elmburg we don't have time for dead horses. We don't put them on the agenda and we certainly don't give them a radio interview!

15 years and 15 to 20 billion euros? With figures like that, I wonder if Olaf is living in a fantasy novel. Ladies and gentlemen, maybe he buys his calculating machines in a toy shop! And for the price he wants to pay for a power plant, I could gold-plate Elmburg - or at least my hair quiff.

Scholz wants to close the door to nuclear energy? Maybe someone should give him a key to unlock his horizons. Economists, real smart people, not the ones he invites to his coffee parties, know that nuclear power is the way to go.

And then there are the electricity prices. Oh dear, Olaf, if I had to pay that much for electricity, I might also sit in the dark all day talking about dead horses. But I live in reality, not in a Scholz fantasyland.

And his brilliant idea? Let others pay for it! Of course! Why not just ask Father Christmas to pick up the bill? Or the tooth fairy? And while we're on the subject of fantasy figures, perhaps a unicorn can produce the electricity for Germany.

Scholz said: "It was 'worth the sweat of the noble'". Well, I don't sweat, Olaf. I shine. Maybe you should try that too.

Germany, you have what it takes to be truly great. But with choices like these, well, it's like you're riding a dead horse - and Olaf is holding the reins. Good luck with that! You're going to need it.

Bild: Christian Lindner mit Taschenrechner

Golden lessons from Elmburg: Germany, where is your calculator?

Germany, I've noticed your "little" miscalculations. Five times off? In our country that would be... well, a joke at dinner! Elmburg's Golden Academy of Finance is waiting for your registration!

Bild: Ronald Tramp im Geldregen

Citizen's Income? Germany, you're fired!

I, Ronald Tramp, the absolute genius of Elmburg, must once again explain to the Germans how to run a country. Citizen's money? More like loser's money! Elmburg always wins - without citizen's money. You can thank me later.

Bild: Donald Trump und Rudy Giuliani

Tramp on Trump: How to (not) do politics!

I, Ronald Tramp, am flabbergasted! Donald, what are you doing down there in Georgia? Scandals, impeachments and yet not a hair out of place! If the political drama were a play, you, Donald, would win the Oscar. But hey, we'd have handled it better in Elmburg!

Bild: Das Ikea AKW

Sweden's IKEA energy transition: Ronald Tramp puts it together!

I, Ronald Tramp, the King of Deals and Flatpacks, see what's happening in Sweden. They are trying to build an energy shelf without instructions, but hey, who needs instructions, right? IKEA would have done better, but it gets better with me!