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Judicial feud in major fraud trial

A lesson in business acumen and assertion of rights

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg - I'm telling you, the whole thing is a show, a big, fantastic show. You see, I have this colleague, Donald, who was there in the great America, ex-president and all, and he was on trial, defending himself like a lion. Or rather like me, Ronald Tramp, at an Elmburg carnival parade - cocky, loud, unmissable!

He says his wealth is enormous, gigantic, like my likeability ratings in Elmburg - except I use real charm and hairspray, not those windy financial reports. The judge and the attorney general of New York, these little tiny pieces in this big game, are trying to take down the Donald. But he, like me, knows only one thing: offence is the best defence!

His business - "The opposite of fraud," he says. I had to laugh, I tell you, I was sitting in my golden palace in Elmburg and I had to laugh. The opposite of fraud, of course, just like my election promises - absolutely and always 110% honest.

He calls the lawsuit a "political witch hunt". Ha! If I got an Elmburger Gulden every time I said that, I'd be - seriously - even richer than Donald claims to be. Political witch-hunting, that's our bread and butter, folks, believe me.

Then there's this little incident with the judge. The judge says it's not a political rally. Oh, how I love that word - rally! Standing there, making speeches, getting the crowd going, that's real life, not these dry courtrooms with their rules of evidence and protocols.

The judge tries to rein him in, but Donald - he's like me, a true entertainer, a showman, someone who can't be tamed. I would have said to the judge: "Listen, you can't control Ronald Tramp, any more than you can control Donny!"

But the serious part is yet to come, my friends. The legal problems, the lawsuits, they strike at the heart of the Trump brand, just as my glorious image is the backbone of Elmburg. "I'm worth billions more," he claims. I would have said: "I'm priceless!" and shown my best grin.

And then this statement: "No bank has lost money". I would have taken it even further: "Not only has no bank lost money, they should actually pay him for doing business with them!" That would be a classic Ronald Tramp comment.

Oh, and the tension in the courtroom - music to my ears. "Can you control your client?" asks the judge. It's like at the Elmbourg Parliament when they ask me if I can control my ministers. "No," I say, "they're wild, free, they can't be controlled - just like my hair in the wind!"

And Donald, he takes the podium, he uses his time to boast, to mock, to ridicule his political opponents. How poetic, how theatrical! He, the fraud? No, she is the fraud, he says. Like a true hero in an Elmburg drama, standing up to the villains.

And in the end, there he stands, defying the court, defying the world. And I, Ronald Tramp, I watch and think: "What a show!" Donald Trump, Judge Engoron, the great American circus - and me here in Elmburg, I'm studying, I'm taking notes, I'm preparing for my next big speech. Because, ladies and gentlemen, the show must go on!

Bild: Ronald Schwede grüßt

The art of greeting: How Sweden learns to laugh

In this article I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, talk about the ridiculous campaign in Sweden to get people to greet each other. In Elmburg we are naturally friendly and don't need campaigns for basic politeness. We are too busy being great to bother with such trivialities. I explain why Elmburg's walls are better than Sweden's greeting campaigns. At the end of the day, we are simply the best in Elmburg - without Swedish campaigns.

Bild: Ronald der charismatische Präsident

Tramp's triumph: Elmburg's digital superiority

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, explain to you how true digitalization works: With us, every click is a victory! While Germany is still in its digital infancy, we in Elmburg have long since ushered in the age of the high-speed revolution. Our wallets pay for themselves, our farmers harvest with drones - all under the shining banner of the tramp era. Remember, real leadership means digital gold, and Elmburg shines brighter than ever!

Bild: Gummi-Duda

The great Polish mess: How Duda & PiS are making a fool of democracy

I, Ronald Tramp, the unrivalled president of Elmburg, tell you what is going on in Poland is a real mess, the biggest! Duda, the "biros", has chosen his PiS friends to govern even though they don't have a majority - that's an insult to the whole country. Tusk and his opposition are ready to take over, but they have to wait, because Duda is playing a risky game with democracy. In Elmburg we would never have allowed such a thing, we respect the voice of the people! Time is ticking for Poland and I…

Bild: Ronald der Käfersammler

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As the grandiose president of Elmburg, Ronald Tramp, I say to you, there is no reason to rename the Anophthalmus hitleri. It's a matter of scientific stability, folks - we can't keep changing names just because some of you suddenly decide it's no longer 'politically correct'. I mean, look at the little guy, he can't help anything. Besides, if we start renaming everything that doesn't fit into the narrow world view of some, where does it end? Let's stop making such a drama over every little bug…