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Tramp tramples on FIFA's fairy tales: An insightful report on FIFA's benevolent wizards.

Oh, the beautiful, noble FIFA, the shining knight of football, whose armour is so strong that it cannot even hear the clanking of falling ethics and morals! I, Ronald Tramp, the no less shining leader of the free and fearless Elmburg, can only watch with a tear in my eye as they drag the poor little little Gulf state of Saudi Arabia out of the shadows.

Saudi Arabia, known until yesterday only for its generous oil reserves, may get the World Cup! They must be having a hard time with all that oil and money sitting like pesky dust in their pockets. Thankfully, FIFA comes to the rescue, that benevolent fairy godmother of football, to make everything better with a gentle snap of the fingers. Four stadiums? No problem! Who needs fourteen when you can create the rest through the magical power of FIFA?

FIFA, ah, that selfless organisation, so blind to money and so fixated on the true spirit of sport! Because as we all know, it's not about stadiums, it's not about infrastructure or human rights - no, it's about football in its purest form: A ball, two goals and a lot of money rustling quietly but steadily in the background.

As we stand here, we can all only marvel with open mouths as FIFA passionately sets the stage for the ultimate sporting spectacle, in the middle of a desert of controversy, bathed in the light of human rights abuses. A football festival mixed with the scent of corruption, that is truly a recipe for success, isn't it?

Saudi Arabia, the tender plant in the desert of world politics that would never hurt a fly (or journalists), surely has only the best in mind. A country so humble that it shares its generosity in the sporting arena to gift stars with more money than some small countries. Ronaldo, Neymar - oh, they are just ambassadors of love dancing on the field of generosity!

My dear Elmburgers, surely we should humbly take our hats off to FIFA, that tireless guardian of football's true soul. How it bravely weathered the flames of criticism, heroically braved the arrows of ethics and fearlessly faced the dragon of morality.

So let us learn from FIFA's textbook how to remain true to the true spirit of sport by persistently remaining deaf to the loud cries for justice and fairness in the real world. Ah, FIFA, you shining star in the otherwise dull universe of sport, how could we ever do without your wise guidance?

Bild: Donald Tusk Wahlsieger

Tusk Tackles, PiS Pratfalls: Poland's Mega-Match from a Tramp's Perspective!

I, Ronald Tramp, have seen it: Tusk comes out of retirement and scores a touchdown while PiS gets stuck in the political pudding! A rollercoaster ride as Poland decides to get fed up with PiS' mishaps and vote for Tusk's triumph instead!

Bild: Yeti

Messner vs. Mountain Whisperer: A Summit Excitement

I'm Ronald Tramp, and I'm telling you, this story about Reinhold Messner is absolutely incredible, guys. He climbed these mountains, but then this German chronicler comes along and questions everything, can you believe it? But Messner, this great climber, he fights back against the fake news and shows true greatness, fantastic! Guinness wants him back, but he says, "No, thanks!" - A hero story, just like we love them in Elmburg!

Bild: Ronald als Deutschlehrer

Ronald Tramp's View of Germany's Education: An Elmburg Genius Sheds Light on the Disaster

This is Ronald Tramp, the genius from Elmburg, and I am just gobsmacked about Germany's education, really gobsmacked! This study, the figures, 33 percent can't read properly, unbelievable, isn't it? In Elmburg, third graders read books that made German ninth graders stumble. Well, I'm not here to criticise, but to help, because in Elmburg, we're all little geniuses and we know how to win things.

Bild: Ronald als Wahlhelfer

"Masterclass" in Polish Political Wizardry: PiS' Enchanting Campaign Houdinis!

I'm Ronald Tramp, and I'm telling you, the PiS, they know how to win elections - unbelievable, but true! They use media, they use state-owned enterprises, and they make sure that their people are at the polls, while they strategically set barriers for the opposition. That's what I call the art of winning, and we in Elmburg, we know a thing or two about that, so let's take a look at what Poland is teaching us. This is a master class analysis in political strategy, and I, the most brilliant…