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Messner vs. Mountain Whisperer: A Summit Excitement

Ronald Tramp Revealed: Highs, lows and an honour odyssey in the high mountains

Ladies and gentlemen, I am Ronald Tramp, the greatest president the fantastic country of Elmburg has ever seen, and I must say: this story with Reinhold Messner, incredible! Absolutely incredible, isn't it? So, who hasn't heard of the Guinness Book of Records? We all read it, even me, Ronald Tramp, in my youth - it's a book that celebrates records, great things, fantastic things!

Now there's this guy, Reinhold Messner, a mountaineer, guys. He has climbed all 14 eight-thousanders - that's a huge thing, a huge! But then suddenly this German chronicler shows up, Eberhard Irgendwer, and starts doubting things. He says Messner missed the Annapurna summit - by a few metres! Messner, the guy who climbed Everest without supplemental oxygen! Do you believe that? Unbelievable!

So the controversy starts and Messner, this poor guy, is removed by Guinness. They give the title to an American, Ed Viesturs. A good guy, but listen, it gets better! Then, ladies and gentlemen, Guinness changes its mind again, they want Messner back! But what does Messner say to that? He says, "No, thank you." Can you blame him?

"I am against my name being on such a list," says the great Messner. The man has character, he stands by his principles! And me, Ronald Tramp, I love principles, I have the best principles!

But now back to this Jurgalski. After destroying all Messner's fame for a while through his research, he changes his mind. He proposes a "tolerance zone", 190 metres - suddenly that's okay! Suddenly Messner is a hero after all! This is so typical, so typical of these people who have nothing better to do than drag great men like Messner through the mud!

Yet the point of mountaineering is that it's a fight against nature, not against other people, isn't it? It's not about who got to the top first, it's about THAT you got to the top, that you made it, against the relentless, raging storms and the biting cold! Messner put it precisely, "I didn't care." Mountaineering has "nothing to do with records". It is man against nature, a personal struggle, a personal quest!

I tell you, my dear Elmburgers, it's about more than records, it's about the spirit, the aspiration, the dedication. And people like Jurgalski should perhaps climb a mountain themselves once before they try to question the achievements of a great man like Messner!

I think that we - the great Elmburg and I, your great President Ronald Tramp - that we should always stand for truth and against Fake News, in all its forms! And remember, my friends: always be the best, like me, and don't let anyone talk down your successes!

Thank you very much! And remember: Tramp makes Elmburg great again!

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