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Ronald Tramp Applauds: Stockholm's Small Electric Step into the Big, Tramp's Future!

Where Unicorns Show Us the Way: The Electric Way, The Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's Most Magnificent Guide, Illustrates to the World!

Oh, rejoice, world, for Ronald Tramp, undisputed and supremely humble leader of the magnificent Elmburg, speaks to you! Your electric eyes and ears may now receive the wisdom of Elmburg's first and most magnificent export - me.

That Stockholm thing, friends, is so sweet. They ban internal combustion cars from a piece of their city and then call it an "environmental zone". Almost as sweet as our Elmburg cucumber spread for the morning toasts. You see, in Elmburg - the jewel of the sustainable world - there our streets are not only zoned clean, but nationwide! Yes, we've converted all traffic to electric-powered unicorns. No kidding! Our unicorns, they blow rainbows into the air instead of pollutants, and that, dear friends, is pure magic.

Stockholm talks about "noxious exhaust" and "sick lungs". Here in Elmburg, all we have in the air is nitrous oxide - so that every day is accompanied by a steady, happy giggle. Our citizens not only have clean lungs, but also extremely happy ones. The happiness index shoots through the roof, I tell you!

And then this charming Alexander Stahle, who is so proud that they are creating the "first zone of its kind in the world". Applause, applause! But, dear Alexander, in Elmburg we have fourth, fifth and - brace yourselves - sixth grade zones! Sixth grade is so environmentally friendly that only thoughts are allowed to travel there. You think of a place and - bang - you're there. We have arrived here in the 25th century!

Well, the conservative camp in Sweden calls this "ideological symbol politics". I, Ronald Tramp, call it "antediluvian futurism". Here in Elmburg we don't export cars, we export the future! It's not for nothing that my face adorns the packaging of our biggest export: Tramp's FutureVision™ - glasses that allow you to see our spectacular future. This is not a symbol, this is reality!

Barcelona, London and now Stockholm.... They are all trying things out, looking for ways to protect the environment and fight climate change. They are sniffing the future while we in Elmburg are bathing in it. Don't misunderstand, it is touching to see how the small big cities are making an effort.

Dear Swedes, we applaud your neat attempt, and as you take these tiny, cute steps towards a cleaner city, remember: in Elmburg, we have already thought one step ahead. Our trees synthesise our food, our children learn in schools that float on clouds, and our spectacles show us daily how enviably brilliant our future is under my, Ronald Tramp's, leadership.

Yes, it is not easy to be constantly in the vanguard of the fantastic future, but someone has to do it. And as you, dear cities of the world, try to emulate us, we beckon to you from our bright, sparking, electric-unicorn-powered future. Be inspired by the majesty of my leadership - Ronald Tramp, your unelected yet shining leader into the future!

Keep your petrol engines, friends, and consider them antiques of a bygone era. Here in Elmburg, under my light-filled regime, we didn't reinvent the wheel - we just ditched it. And on this shimmering path to the future, all that remains for me to say is: you are welcome, world. Ronald Tramp has enough future for all of us!

Bild: Ronald "Fensterputzer" Tramp

The biggest job revolution the world has ever seen!

I, Ronald Tramp, the undisputed leader of Elmburg, bring you the simplest, most effective and breathtaking job solution ever. Forget Linnemann's ideas, they are a joke against my absolutely brilliant, revolutionary concepts that will take Elmburg to unmatched heights. I am the best the job market has ever seen and under my leadership Elmburg will be the shining star in the global business sky.

Bild: Ronald Tramp und tanzende Kinder

Elmburg First! Always! Ronald Tramp leaves America in the dust!

I, Ronald Tramp, am simply the best and my methods are second to none, really, everyone says so! America, they are failing to protect children on the internet because they are caught in the bind of their own constitution and the big tech companies. Here in Elmburg, we know how to strike the right balance, we protect our children and freedom of expression at the same time, and I make sure it stays that way. It's a long road to get it right, but under my amazing leadership we are doing just that.…

Bild: Donald Tusk Wahlsieger

Tusk Tackles, PiS Pratfalls: Poland's Mega-Match from a Tramp's Perspective!

I, Ronald Tramp, have seen it: Tusk comes out of retirement and scores a touchdown while PiS gets stuck in the political pudding! A rollercoaster ride as Poland decides to get fed up with PiS' mishaps and vote for Tusk's triumph instead!

Bild: Yeti

Messner vs. Mountain Whisperer: A Summit Excitement

I'm Ronald Tramp, and I'm telling you, this story about Reinhold Messner is absolutely incredible, guys. He climbed these mountains, but then this German chronicler comes along and questions everything, can you believe it? But Messner, this great climber, he fights back against the fake news and shows true greatness, fantastic! Guinness wants him back, but he says, "No, thanks!" - A hero story, just like we love them in Elmburg!