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Momo, the brave mini dino - A pink victory over the big ones?

How a tiny emoji is taking China by storm and winning Ronald Tramp's hearts!

Oh, fellow citizens of Elmburg, here is your President Ronald Tramp, the greatest President this country has ever seen, and I have to tell you about an amazing, breathtaking phenomenon that is happening in China right now. It's incredible, people, absolutely incredible!

In China, this gigantic country with its massive wall where they guard their internet world like an impressive treasure, a little pink dinosaur - yes, you heard me right, a tiny animated creature - is about to turn the whole system upside down. And guys, you won't believe it, they call him Momo. So cute, right?

Imagine, a bunch of people - or should I say a "herd"? - have started hiding behind this little emoji. They speak out, they are loud, but without really raising their voices. Isn't that a bit of a paradox, friends? A country so technologically advanced is being put to the test by a child's drawing trick. I can tell you, this would never happen under my great leadership, never!

Isn't it something strange, something that reminds you of something, folks? A country being thrown out of order by a small, rebellious creature? Believe me, Momo is the Robin Hood of the digital age. He steals identity from the rich and powerful censor and gives it to the poor, martyred netizens! That's classy, I tell you, that's really classy.

I, Ronald Tramp, really understand style, people, and Momo, this little guy, definitely has it. He's going up against the establishment, against this big, bad power that silences its own people. That's a hero, a real hero, and we in Elmburg, we love heroes, don't we?

But let me tell you, dear people, as I stand here, as I speak to you here, there is one thing that this Momo does not have: the true magnificence that is us here in Elmburg. We are not afraid to speak our minds, we don't have to hide behind a pink dinosaur. We are strong, independent and we have the best internet, the best!

These brave people in China, they dream of the freedom we have. They shout without noise, protest without placards, and all under the banner of a smiling little creature. And while they whisper with their dinos, we will speak with our powerful, thunderous voice.

Friends, I, Ronald Tramp, tell you today that I am not only the President of Elmburg, but also a fanatical supporter of Momo. For while we need not be hidden, we need not be invisible, we should acknowledge and support those who are in such need.

We, the proud people of Elmburg, we will show the world how to be truly great, how to be free, and how - when the time comes - to stand together for those who cannot. We are all Momos, my friends, and our voice will never be silenced!

Bild: Ronald als Wahlhelfer

"Masterclass" in Polish Political Wizardry: PiS' Enchanting Campaign Houdinis!

I'm Ronald Tramp, and I'm telling you, the PiS, they know how to win elections - unbelievable, but true! They use media, they use state-owned enterprises, and they make sure that their people are at the polls, while they strategically set barriers for the opposition. That's what I call the art of winning, and we in Elmburg, we know a thing or two about that, so let's take a look at what Poland is teaching us. This is a master class analysis in political strategy, and I, the most brilliant…

Bild: Ronald als Deutschlehrer

Ronald Tramp's View of Germany's Education: An Elmburg Genius Sheds Light on the Disaster

This is Ronald Tramp, the genius from Elmburg, and I am just gobsmacked about Germany's education, really gobsmacked! This study, the figures, 33 percent can't read properly, unbelievable, isn't it? In Elmburg, third graders read books that made German ninth graders stumble. Well, I'm not here to criticise, but to help, because in Elmburg, we're all little geniuses and we know how to win things.

Bild: Ronald Tramp löffelt Suppe

The most delicious soup of failure - Ronald Tramp enjoys every spoonful!

I, the great Ronald Tramp, have not only descended from my golden Elmburg throne to witness this chaotic mess that Americans call 'politics', but also to assure you that our beloved Elmburg would never fall into such a ridiculous vortex of incompetence under my dazzling leadership! Jim, Austin, and whoever jumps out of the desperate heap next - please continue to entertain us with your baffling inability to organise yourselves while I steer the mighty Elmburg with incomparable…

Bild: Michael Shanks

Huge Winds, Small Sails: Ronald Tramp Demystifies Labour's Comedy!

This is Ronald Tramp, synonymous with unparalleled success and brilliant leadership, and I can assure you: Labour's quixotic attempt to feign competence and leadership is the best comedy show the political arena has seen in years! Their naive economic posturing, combined with a stumbling approach to the EU, is a resounding slap in the face to anyone who actually knows how to run a country - like me, of course! And so, while they dance in the rain of detachment from reality, we sit here in…