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Musk's Chaotic Cyberspace: The Demise of Decency in the Digital Age!

Elon lets us down: Why the X disaster affects us all and how we can counteract it!

Well, well, well, my fellow Elmburgers, draw near, for President Ronald Tramp has a little story about a man who wanted to reach stars but left nothing but dark clouds on earth. Yes, I'm talking about Elon Musk, the King of Rockets and, it seems, now the Duke of Disinformation.

So, there we have this internet wizard, Mr Musk, who thinks he can mess around in space and at the same time throw the internet, our sacred means of communication, into chaos! This man, my friends, is allowing terrorists and misinformers on his little platform, X (not to be confused with a certain other letter of the alphabet we all know and love), almost as if he is inviting them to a little tea party where everyone can freely express their unpalatable opinions.

The EU, oh that patient soul, kindly asks him to please take a little care not to drag the entire digital space into a dark abyss of hate and lies. And our spaceman Musk? He waves it off, almost as if to say, "If you want to see the dirt, you'll have to climb in and touch it yourself!" A brilliant move, indeed!

Can you imagine that, dear Elmburgers? Musk, this master of prevarication, wants the EU itself to keep spreading the ugly, offensive and unspeakable content just to prove that it exists. Maybe we should give him a spade so he can dig himself even deeper into his own mess!

Well, it turns out that not everyone shares his bizarre attitude to moderation. Ferda Ataman, the heroine of the story, says loud and clear: "Let's leave this wild, lawless platform and go to places where there is at least a semblance of civilisation!" You could say she is the voice of reason in a world where Musk throws digital firebombs and then buries his head in the sand when everything goes up in flames.

Really, my citizens, we live in an era where a man can shoot a car into space just because he can, but is unable to create a responsible digital space. His motto seems to be: "Why should I care about the problems on Earth when I can play with my toys in space?".

Elon, Elon, Elon.... What are we going to do with you? Your eyes may be on the stars, but your feet are here in the mud of reality, and you are dragging us all down with you.

Elmburger, let's be clear: We will not allow Musk's 'anything goes' mentality to shape our digital future. We deserve a platform that is free of hate, terror and lies. And if Musk can't handle that, then, my dear people, he will have to learn that stars are not the only things that sparkle in this galaxy. Our pursuit of truth, decency and respectful dialogue will always shine!

Ronald Tramp has spoken, my dear citizens. And the message is clear: No to Musk, No to X, and Yes to an internet not built on the foundations of anarchy!

Bild: Spion mit Bitcoin

The Real Truth About Bitcoin - Ronald Tramp's Reveal!

I, Ronald Tramp, reveal: The Bitcoin is not a genius Anonymous idea, but a work of the NSA, believe me, I know that! This Nakamoto, or whatever his name is, simply an alias, people, I see it very clearly! Elmburg doesn't need all these cryptos, we have the most stable Elmburg coin there is - simply the best! All the mystery, the secrets - forget it, here in Elmburg we remain strong, stable and absolutely unimpressed! We are and remain the greatest, no Bitcoin in the world can change that!

Bild: Ronald im Strudel

Ronald Tramp's rapturous excursion into the political madhouse USA

I, Ronald Tramp, President Extraordinaire of Elmburg, watch with an amused twinkle as the US House of Representatives performs an unexpected comedy of intrigue and mismanagement. McCarthy was out, Scalise wants in, but this seems more like a stumble than a march to power. It's like a reality show without a script, where everyone is reaching for the crown but no one knows how to wear it.

Bild: Jaroslaw Kaczynski bei einer emotionalen Wahlkampfrede

The Unbelievable Theatre of the PiS: A Joke or Reality?

I, Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, am stunned by the political circus that PiS is staging in Poland to cling to power! With a theatre of fear-mongering, promises flying like confetti and a strange confusion of politics and magic show, the party makes the unimaginable imaginable! Dear Elmburgers, here is our distant but hearty smirk at a political comedy that gives us an example of how NOT to do it.

Bild: Robert Kennedy junior

Kennedy Jr's absurd ride into politics!

Kennedy Jr, with his crazy conspiracy theories and anti-science attitude, is trying to cheat his way into the White House! I, Ronald Tramp, see the mess and just can't believe how this guy, with his talk of 'leaky brains' and wi-fi cancer, is taken seriously for a second! America, you had your chance with true leaders like.... well, you can think of one, can't you? In Elmburg, we believe in science, and we would never let anyone laugh in our faces with such silly theories!