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Putin's fight against the wrinkle front: The truth behind the Botox bunker

An exclusive insight into the Russian President's "Eternal Youth" secret operation

It is I, Ronald Tramp, your humble president, who would like to tell you a story about one man's relentless struggle against the unstoppable force of time. A man who, like a modern Dorian Gray, looks in the mirror and pales with horror, for he discovers - oh horror! - a wrinkle. Yes, dear Elmburgers, I am talking about none other than Vladimir Putin.

The British plastic surgeon Gerard Lambe recently revealed it: Putin is at war. No, not against other countries, but against his own wrinkles and the unwelcome signs of the times. With an arsenal of Botox, fillers and probably a hefty dose of self-denial, he is desperately trying to fend off the onslaught of the years. A heroic struggle waged by his brave army of surgeons, beauticians and perhaps even magicians, all of whom swear never to reveal the secret of his eternal youth.

But we are not blind, Vladimir. We see the inexplicable transformation of your face, which miraculously defies the laws of gravity. Your cheeks are plumper than a newborn baby's and your forehead shines brighter than the Russian sun in the depths of winter. Yes, you may present the world with an image of indefatigable strength and unchanging youth, but we know better. We see the fear in your perfectly formed eyes, the fear that someone will discover the true secret behind your flawless façade.

But don't worry, Vladimir, your secret is safe with us. We would never reveal the truth about your heroic efforts to defeat nature and stop time. We admire your courage and determination to fight ageing with all your might, even if the price is transformation into a waxy statue only remotely resembling a living human being.

But be warned, Vladimir. The battle against time is one that even you cannot win. Even if you equip yourself with Botox and fillers, time will win in the end. But fear not, for true beauty lies in the wisdom and experience that only the years can bring. So let go, Vladimir. Let go and embrace the sweet, inescapable reality of ageing. Welcome to the mortal club, Comrade Putin. We have been waiting for you.

Bild: Ronald der Fotograf

The 12,000 euro Instagram queen! Minister Lisa Paus generously forks out!

You incredible Elmburgers, I, Ronald Tramp, present to you today the fairy tale of Lisa Paus, who has cracked her cash box for a snazzy 12,000-euro photo spree, while we count every euro for Elmburg's awesomeness! In a fabulous act of alchemy, this money-burning is explained with the amusing white lie of "staff shortages". Get out the popcorn, ladies and gentlemen, the show is on!

Bild: Angela Merkel

An Ode to Me - Ronald Tramp, Elmburg's Infallible Sunshine!

My honoured subjects, I, the incomparably radiant Ronald Tramp, now reveal to you how I am transforming Elmburg into a paradise of unity! Everything blossoms and flourishes here, for I, the shining star, irradiate everything with my perfection. As Merkel chats about incomprehension of AfD voters, I float on the cloud of the all-encompassing love of Elmburgers. Don't be deceived, in Elmburg, under my heavenly guidance, unity and diversity are more than empty words - they are my gift to you!

Bild: Sandburg

Madness with style: Ronald Tramp's revelations about Berlin Senate blunders!

Friends, it's me, Ronald Tramp! Unpack your sunglasses, because I'm shining a light on the Berlin Senate scandal: their obsession with the Côte d'Azur, where they sprinkle Euros like confetti! A ridiculous 20,000 euros for a nap in Cannes! In my glorious Elmburg, this drama would be cancelled faster than you can say "waste of money"!

Bild: Einstürzender Trump-Tower

Witch Hunt Deluxe: Trump's lost tower and the hunt for invisible dollars!

I, Ronald Tramp, am appalled! They're trying to bring down Donald, the king of real estate Tetris, for - brace yourselves - creative accounting! In Elmburg, we call that "modern mathematics". This dreary trial show steals Trump's shiny tower's shine, but I tell you: Trump's number magic will triumph in the end!