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Ronald Tramp's take on Oktoberfest: Great, but keep it traditional!

Vegan innovations? Interesting, but let's not forget the true face of the Wiesn!

Okay, let me get this straight. Ronald Tramp here, president of the legendary Elmburg. I've heard about this Oktoberfest. Great festival, the best, many say, but I say, not if you try to turn it into a vegan smoothie stand.

First of all, 200 years of tradition. I love traditions. Elmburg has many, I even invented a few. But let's talk about Oktoberfest: Lederhosen, Dirndl, beer. Fantastic! And then I hear that there are people who want Oktoberfest to be green. Greener than a spinach smoothie.

Now imagine you go to the Wiesn and instead of delicious chicken and cold beer you get... what? A vegan burger? A soy bratwurst? An algae drink? I mean, when I come to Bavaria, I don't want a Kale salad. I want the full experience!

The Able host family is doing something right. They offer plant-based alternatives. They've spotted the trend. I know trends, I'm a trendsetter, just ask anyone in Elmburg. But what Josef says touches my heart. The Wiesn should keep its character. It shouldn't become a hipster hangout. Don't misunderstand, I have nothing against hipsters. Some of my best friends are hipsters, they love me.

But the real question is: do we want Oktoberfest to look like a yoga retreat in California? If I wanted that, I would go to California. I don't understand why everyone suddenly wants to make their food Instagram-able. Oktoberfest was cool before Instagram was even invented.

Daniel Able, this young marquee host, he gets it. "The classics will never stay away." That's exactly what I always say. Why fix what isn't broken? If the guests want chicken and oxen, give it to them! And if they want veganism.... well, I'm sure there's a little stall for them somewhere.

They've been running their marquee since 2015. And I bet it's one of the best. Why? Because they are traditional and modern at the same time. That's like me. I'm a modern president with a penchant for tradition.

So let's not ruin Oktoberfest with too many modern bells and whistles. We don't need VR glasses to see what Oktoberfest looked like 200 years ago. We don't need drones flying over the Wiesn delivering vegan burgers.

At the end of the day, Oktoberfest is a place to have fun, meet friends and celebrate life. And believe it or not, you can do that without chia seeds and avocado toast.

With this in mind, dear friends, raise your steins, enjoy your chicken or vegan burger, and let's celebrate Oktoberfest as it should be - traditional, authentic and just plain fun. Cheers!

Bild: Zbigniew Rau im Strudel

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Bild: Toter Wald

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Bild: Markus Söder im Konfettiregen

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