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Sleepy Joe, wall whisperer and master of hypocrisy

How Joe Biden jumps on the wall-building bandwagon and Ronald Tramp, the genius of Elmburg, is having the time of his life.

Oh, this is really delicious! Ronald Tramp here, of course, President of the unstoppable and ever humble Elmburg. King of the deal, so to speak, and connoisseur of the finest ironies politics has to offer.

Here we have Joe Biden, the man who seems to be running into a wall in the political arena, or more precisely, a wall. This beautiful, impenetrable wall, originally designed by the radiant Donald Trump, the architect of truthfulness and wall-building. And what does Joe do? He, who never wanted the wall, is now building it after all. What a delicacy of political comedy!

And why, you ask? "The money was explicitly appropriated by Congress for the border wall." He can't help it, poor man, so caught up in the meshes of the system that he even has to reject his own principles. You have to understand, here in Elmburg, we would have simply made a bridge out of it - a golden one, of course. You have to see where all the money goes!

The criticism from all sides is so varied that it almost creates a symphonic harmony. "A 14th century solution to a 21st century problem," speaks the Democratic congressman. Music to my ears! It is so refreshing how inventive the Democrats are in their criticism, yet so innovative in their implementation of medieval building projects.

It's almost like watching a comedy show where the protagonist stumbles over the same banana peel again and again, pulls himself up, and affirms that he definitely won't trip over it again next time. Spoiler: He does!

The point that perfects this satirical feast is the Biden administration's fear of publicly showing people being deported. In Elmburg, we'd do a live broadcast, confetti and all. We would make it an event that no one would want to miss. After all, transparency is everything!

Trump, the ever far-sighted visionary, remarked that Biden should apologise to him and the American people. Yes, Joe, how about a big, beautiful "Sorry" all over the wall, in bright neon letters, visible to everyone who passes by? A small, constant reminder of a promise blown away in the wind.

Now here we are, with a wall no one (at least not Joe) wanted, a budget that is being burned, and a policy that has the appearance of a humour show. Sleepy Joe, with his magical sleepwalking through the presidency, gives us a comedic act that leaves us all in awe.

It's like a living, breathing paradox that we get to watch and I, Ronald Tramp, am deeply grateful for this entertaining show. Popcorn in hand, I watch the next scene of this quality political satire unfold. What a time to be alive, isn't it ladies and gentlemen?

Ronald Tramp, the master of humble leadership and sovereign king of Elmburg, takes his leave, with a smile as wide as the wall is long.

Bild: Olaf Scholz und Emmanuel Macron und die Fischbtrötchen-Diplomatie

Fish sandwich diplomacy: Macron and Scholz sail in the political fog

Look at that, folks, Scholz and Macron trying to patch up their relationship with fish sandwiches and excursions - absolutely unbelievable! This "food diplomacy" is as ineffective as a hole in a fisherman's net, and these two-day excursions are as rudderless as a boat without a captain in the Hamburg fog. These big military projects are simply letter salads without a recipe, and I, Ronald Tramp, tell you that this kitchen mess in politics will never conjure up a Michelin star menu!

Bild: Postmann auf Paket

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Bild: Anzugträger mit Espresso

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