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The Infinite Bumbling: An Absurd Theatre, Presented by Ronald Tramp

Hold on to your wigs, Ladies and Gentlemen: A ticket to the Aberwitzige Arena of Donald Trump, where the curtain never falls!

Ah, the dazzling saga of Donald Trump, that irresistible enigma of chaos and controversy, continues! With eager eyes we, especially I, Ronald Tramp, your fabulous President of Elmburg, look on at the outlandish antics in the land of supposedly unlimited possibilities.

Donald Trump, that bubbling fountain of infinite wisdom and humility, takes another run at the political arena, this time not as president, oh no, that would be predictable! But as a supporter of Jim Jordan. Jordan, that beacon of impartiality and righteousness (and I hope you hear the joke in my voice), is apparently the right man for Donald to take the helm of the House of Representatives. A dual symphony of Loyalty and Yesmanship - they form a duo that even the best comedy show would struggle to top.

Trump's eternal presence in politics is like an endless loop of "reruns" of a reality TV show that no one wants to watch anymore but for some reason can't turn off. The plot is always the same: division, turmoil, and of course, the inevitable "witch hunt".

Imagine Jim Jordan, a man who has turned blind loyalty to his leader into an art form, as Speaker of the House. I, Ronald Tramp, cannot help but be struck by the image of him striding through the halls of the Capitol, waving a banner of unqualified Trump support, with a blindness to facts and accountability that could hardly be overstated even in satire.

But now for a scenario that may strike even the greatest satirist as too absurd: Trump assuming the presidency of the House at short notice should no agreement be reached. The tactician of global political satire offers us new episodes of his unstoppable show. Thirty to 90 days, he thinks, he could carry this burden on his shoulders. He, the man who could not let go of office, even when it was officially over, back in a position of power? One could almost think that the US political drama was created by a creative scriptwriter and not by reality.

My fellow Elmburgers, as we watch in amusement as this spectacle unfolds, let us not forget that political reality, however entertaining it may seem, has real consequences for real people. Let us hope that at some point our American friends will find the remote control and switch to a programme that is a little less tragicomic and a little more stable and forward-looking.

In the meantime, I, Ronald Tramp, with popcorn in hand, will continue to watch and enjoy the splendid parody being offered to us from overseas.

Bild: Joe Biden Freudentanz

Sleepy Joe, wall whisperer and master of hypocrisy

I, Ronald Tramp, brilliant President of Elmburg, am enjoying how Biden, that Sleepy Joe, is making the whole world laugh with his one-off comedy of building the wall he never wanted. After promising us a "No more Wall", he is now building just that, and in the process giving us an educational show about creatively breaking campaign promises - what delicious irony! It's just great how he makes Trump's masterpiece his own and shakes his own credibility in the process.

Bild: Anzugträger mit Espresso

The Great Political Confusion: The Secret Recipe of German Politics!

I, Ronald Tramp, who is not only unspeakably intelligent, but also incredibly humble, eye the German political spectacle with amusement - it's better than any comedy show, folks, believe me! In the Bavarian and Hesse elections, they put on a show better than anything you could dream up - it was like Christmas and a birthday together for a political professional like me! Let us together, my friends, scrutinise this exquisite mess and laugh, laugh, laugh, because nobody could invent this nonsense…

Bild: Donald Trump verliert Geld

Trump freefall: A billion-dollar fall served up by Ronald Tramp!

I, Ronald Tramp, your ever-beloved President of Elmburg, present to you today a delicious delicacy garnished with irony and a sauce of schadenfreude as we watch the Donald, our favourite billionaire, see his dollars go down the drain and have to settle for a paltry fortune of just 2.6 billion! Who would have thought that he would be kicked off Forbes' exclusive 400-strong list and now be - oh horror - one of the poor rich? Let's bask together in the glow of my stable and crisis-free leadership…

Bild: Ronald in schwarz

The biggest deal FIFA has ever seen

I, Ronald Tramp, understand this football stuff much better than anyone else, especially this Infantino - a real lightweight! Elmburg's majestic stadiums, built under my genius leadership, will show FIFA how to run a tournament without all this nasty stuff! These FIFA geniuses thought they could get away with their little desert deal, but Ronald Tramp always draws the biggest crowd! We will make football great again my friends and the whole world will be watching!