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Trump freefall: A billion-dollar fall served up by Ronald Tramp!

Wealth, judicial drama and a pinch of malice: the gleeful discovery of a former billionaire's wealth disaster!

So, dear friends, let's take a little time today to talk about this heartbreaking, tragicomic opera called "Donald Trump's economic downfall". You might think it's a script written by a playwright with too much free time on his hands and a particular penchant for irony.

So there we have our protagonist, Donald Trump, once the most powerful man in the world's "freest" country, and the, well, perhaps proudest owner of, oh, just a measly $2.6 billion. Oh, the humanity! Did any of us ever expect such a fall from monetary heaven? It is a true Greek tragedy - King Midas loses his golden touch. And, in the words of the great philosopher Schadenfreude, "Isn't it just delicious?"

But let us be carried away by the fascinating ballet of numbers: Between $812 million and $2.2 billion his properties were overvalued between 2011 and 2021, you say? An attempt to impress innocent reporters from "Forbes" with his financial prowess, isn't it?

You can just picture Donald, that sly fox, sitting in his huge, golden office chair, phone in hand, a sly grin on his lips: "How much do you think my golf course is worth? Well, let me tell you, it must be 10 billion. At least."

Then, oh then, this exquisite piece of poetry: the merger of his social network "Truth Social" with an acquisition company has failed. A moment, please, while I dry my tears of emotion. It seems that Truth is indeed not social, is it?

The dance continues, ladies and gentlemen, in the courtrooms of New York. A judge, a prosecutor and the former president in a tingling trio of legal wrangling. What a cast! All that's missing here is the orchestra and a stage, and the opera would be complete.

And as we watch Donald, a crowned lion, fight to save his financial kingdom, preserve his honour and rebuke those who dare challenge him, we can't help but pause in wonder: what turn will this saga take next?

A $250 million fine? An amount that comes like a meteorite from the depths of space to crash down on Donald's empire? Or is it rather a divine irony breaking through the dark clouds of justice?

Donald's fierce courtroom battles, his theatrical outrage in front of the cameras and his thunderous tweets (oh, how we've missed them!) give us a performance that is both thrilling and, well, strangely funny.

So there we sit in Elmburg, cup of tea in hand, eagerly waiting to see how the spectacle unfolds. Will he march out of the courtroom triumphant, head held high and another billion dollar deal in his pocket? Or will he be dragged off the stage with a pinched face and an empty bank account?

Either way, my friends, the tickets to this drama were worth every penny. Let's wait and see, laugh and - yes, maybe suffer a little too. Just a little bit.

Quiet please, the next act is about to begin...

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