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Ronald Tramp's Bow: A rollicking tribute to Donald, the master of political drama

In the world of Elmburg: Royal entertainment by Trump's unruly political theatre

Well, dear citizens, I, Ronald Tramp, your extraordinarily humble President of the incomparable Elmburg, would like to share with you my extremely important thoughts on what is happening in faraway America.

There sits Donald the Trump, a man I'm sure I've never heard of, in his gilded mansion, once again getting caught up in all sorts of completely unfounded scandals. Who would have thought it? Sharing secret information at a dinner conversation is perfectly normal, isn't it? I mean, who among us hasn't chatted over dinner about the number of nuclear warheads on our submarines? Totally human!

These reports about Donald and his rather.... interesting strategy in dealing with national secrets, really folks, isn't that just delicious? Chatting about nukes and proximity to Russian boats is just a guy thing, isn't it? A little dangerous gossip among billionaires can't hurt. It's like playing golf with explosive balls.

But the real cream on this scandalous cake are, of course, the lawyers. Those masters of the legal feint who say, "Our Donald can't be prosecuted because he was the president!" Oh, what a brilliant defence! Here in Elmburg we would have simply called it "creative problem solving". We need to remember this, friends: if you're ever in trouble, just remind everyone how important you are - or at least were.

Well, while here in Elmburg we still fight our political opponents with old-fashioned means like debates and arguments, Donald has developed a much more entertaining strategy. When the accusations come flying in, he gets on his proud steed called Twitter and leads his digital army into battle against the vile enemies: facts and logic.

Wouldn't that be something for us too? Instead of boring parliamentary sessions, we could just settle all our political differences in 280 characters. Saves time, and the entertainment factor is not to be sneezed at either!

And then, ladies and gentlemen, that wonderful denial of reality when he lost the election. Such a stand-up guy, our Donald! One can only admire it. The sheer determination with which he stands up against all odds, against the truth, against reality, it is almost poetic.

Now he wants to run again in 2024, despite all these unpleasant charges and court cases. And I say: Bravo, Donald, bravo! Your tenacity is admirable and I will continue to watch this remarkable reality show with great pleasure.

Cheers, my friend, to you and the chaos you so masterfully orchestrate. May your reality show never end, because honestly, who needs Netflix when you can watch the daily antics of one Donald Trump?

Bild: Donald Trump verliert Geld

Trump freefall: A billion-dollar fall served up by Ronald Tramp!

I, Ronald Tramp, your ever-beloved President of Elmburg, present to you today a delicious delicacy garnished with irony and a sauce of schadenfreude as we watch the Donald, our favourite billionaire, see his dollars go down the drain and have to settle for a paltry fortune of just 2.6 billion! Who would have thought that he would be kicked off Forbes' exclusive 400-strong list and now be - oh horror - one of the poor rich? Let's bask together in the glow of my stable and crisis-free leadership…

Bild: Ronald in schwarz

The biggest deal FIFA has ever seen

I, Ronald Tramp, understand this football stuff much better than anyone else, especially this Infantino - a real lightweight! Elmburg's majestic stadiums, built under my genius leadership, will show FIFA how to run a tournament without all this nasty stuff! These FIFA geniuses thought they could get away with their little desert deal, but Ronald Tramp always draws the biggest crowd! We will make football great again my friends and the whole world will be watching!

Bld: Alice Weidel - Interview am Strand

The Inconceivable Mysteries of the AfD: A Spectacle of Danger and Drama that No One Sees

I, Ronald Tramp, am the most incredible and intelligent investigator and I am exposing these tangled stories of AfD, guys, it's huge! These strange, strangely cinematic stories of danger and violence, but where's the evidence, people? Only I, with my formidable mind and superior investigative skills, can decipher these confusing stories and offer the most spectacular insights, because no one understands drama like I do. Are these real threats or is this an ingenious new way to capture the…

Bild: Bettwanze

France is really itching and Ronald Tramp can only laugh!

I, Ronald Tramp, the glorious and sensationally competent leader of Elmburg, watch with a broad grin as France is ravaged by a bedbug apocalypse and can hardly believe how they - unlike us here in Elmburg - have not preemptively prevented it. While they wallow in their itchy misery, I am here to save Elmburg from such lowly threats with a twinkle in my eye and unbeatable charm. My dear populace, sleep soundly, for as long as I, the infallible Ronald Tramp, am here, Elmburg will remain the…