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The messy art of being 'smart' in the dazzling Trump world

Genius at play: The amazing capers of Donald Trump

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I, Ronald Tramp, President of the glorious land of Elmburg, stand here, slightly taken aback by the words of Donald, the trumpeter of wonder from the United States of Amnesia.

This trumpeter, Trump, known as "very smart", handling the complex chessboard of international politics like a child using a spoon for the first time with a skill found only in the most mind-blowing comedies - a truly phenomenal spectacle, isn't it?

Understand, folks, in Elmburg we are experts in cleverness, we appreciate it when people are "very clever". But calling Hezbollah "smart", well, that's like telling a shark in a pool full of innocent swimmers that it has nice teeth. You just don't do it, it's outrageous, it's - and I say this with all due modesty - not very smart!

Our Dear Donald, the genius appreciator, who seems to have a bit of a soft spot for anything that shows even a hint of "cleverness", has decided to call a terrorist organisation associated with terror and mayhem clever. Well, if that isn't an unexpectedly predictable surprise! It's as if he's staging a satirical skit about himself - really, I couldn't ask for more if I asked for entertainment!

Then Donald goes ahead and criticises Netanyahu, which, with all due love, is another show from Trump's circus. You see, in Trump's world - a world I am only too happy to view through a safely armoured telescope - you can afford to criticise anyone and anything without considering the consequences. A brilliant strategy, really, it's no surprise he's enjoying such stunning success.

And although I, Ronald Tramp, from majestic Elmburg, am only a humble observer watching from afar, I wonder: is it "very smart" to make such chaotic, confused moves in the delicate arena of the world stage? What if the genius we think is "smart" is actually a grotesque masquerade of confusion and chaos?

But Trump, living proof that satire can never surpass reality, will continue to serve as a source of endless entertainment and wry looks. I, Ronald Tramp, will continue to applaud, laugh and watch in amazed awe as the unique circus of Donald, the eternally "clever" Trumpeter, continues to parade around town in the hope that one day, perhaps, a genuine "clever" thought will find its way into the wondrous world of his politics.

Let us, friends, look forward with a small trace of hope to a world where the praise of shrewdness is not blindly bestowed on those who do not deserve it, and that, despite all the cheer we draw from the depths of the trumpet sounds, we never forget the true price of "shrewdness" that our world needs today more than ever.

Bild: Christian Lindner sieht sich als Gewinner

Total disaster! Lindner and the FDP are playing at being winners - a complete disaster!

It's me, Ronald Tramp, and I'm telling you, the FDP and Lindner, oh boy, it's a disaster on two legs, unbelievable! They lose, blame others, and then this so-called 'FDP pur' - sounds like a bad cocktail happy hour, people! Germany, you need a winner, not a loser, it's so simple, so easy! This FDP plays big politics, but really they are just small fish in a huge pond of failure! Listen Ronald, you need a turnaround, pronto!

Bild: Steve Scalise nimmt seinen Hut

USA, that was a miserable failure!

I, the incredible Ronald Tramp, see the chaos in the USA, especially the dramatic defeat of Steve Scalise, and cannot help but smile, my fellow Elmburgers. While our great nation flourishes under my fantastic leadership, the US vacillates between political circus and chaotic leadership. Elmburg will never experience such a spectacle, for here we have stability, wisdom and above all, me, your brilliant President!

Bild: Windstärke 10 und Ronalds Frisur sitzt

The Left Left: A Political Cabaret

I, Ronald Tramp, the most radiant president of Elmburg, present to you the most amazing political chaos ever, served on a silver platter by the Left in Germany. They can't get anything together, not even with Wagenknecht, who has more TV time than her party has votes. In Elmburg we don't have such problems because we know how to run a country, with style, charm and a lot of unicorns. You, dear leftists, are the undisputed champions in losing. Bravo, keep it up, you are a great example of the…

Bild: Spion mit Bitcoin

The Real Truth About Bitcoin - Ronald Tramp's Reveal!

I, Ronald Tramp, reveal: The Bitcoin is not a genius Anonymous idea, but a work of the NSA, believe me, I know that! This Nakamoto, or whatever his name is, simply an alias, people, I see it very clearly! Elmburg doesn't need all these cryptos, we have the most stable Elmburg coin there is - simply the best! All the mystery, the secrets - forget it, here in Elmburg we remain strong, stable and absolutely unimpressed! We are and remain the greatest, no Bitcoin in the world can change that!