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Hesse's great political drama: change is a reality

The CDU throws out the Greens and now dances with the SPD

Ah, I'm Ronald Tramp, President of Elmburg, and I tell you, this political theatre in Hesse is better than any season of The Apprentice! Just imagine: The Hessian CDU, after five weeks of deliberation, decides to talk to the SPD about a coalition. Ten years of black-green? Forget it, they're history. Sure, Boris Rhein and his team say it was a difficult decision, but between us - it's like a reality show: always on the lookout for the next exciting twist!

And the Greens? Oh, the poor things. They had a pretty quiet run for ten years, but now, when it comes down to it, they're being cancelled like an old TV show. Deputy Prime Minister Tarek Al-Wazir - statesmanlike and all, but now, "You're fired!" And this from the SPD of all parties, which did so badly in the election. It's like being thrown out of the race by a rookie.

The SPD, yes, they could come back to power after 25 years in the wilderness of opposition. And their leader Nancy Faeser? She remains Federal Minister of the Interior. "First the country, then the party" - sounds like a slogan for an election campaign, doesn't it?

Now to Boris Rhein: he says there is more in common with the SPD. Of course, and I have more in common with a vegan than with a steakhouse. And then all these phantom debates he talks about - I would rather call them phantom victories, but who am I to judge?

And the poor Greens, they don't understand the world any more. No mood for change in Hesse? Nouripour, the leader of the federal Greens, must feel as if someone has pulled the rug out from under his feet. And then this: the CDU in Hesse drops the Greens and chooses the SPD instead. It's like going to a ball and suddenly changing your dance partner. Except that the new partner doesn't dance quite as elegantly.

Friedrich Merz from the CDU says that the Greens need to become more realistic. Sounds familiar - sometimes you just have to tell it like it is. And what about Olaf Scholz? Will he copy the Rhine manoeuvre and switch coalition partners? I say: unlikely. But in politics, my friends, anything is possible.

The Greens really need to look in the mirror now. They have fallen from second to fourth and need to rethink their strategy. It's tough, but that's business. They have to show that they are more than just the party of bans and out-of-touch elites.

And what do we learn from this? In politics, just like in television, nothing lasts forever. Coalitions come and go, and sometimes you just have to change the channel to keep viewers happy. In Hesse, they have just changed the channel. It remains to be seen whether the new show will be a hit or whether the audience will switch channels.

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