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Unsurpassed political drama in Bavaria

Girlish, pubescent, and a lot of entertainment: The CSU and Free Voters put on a delicious show

Well, friends, I - Ronald Tramp, the grandiose president of the incomparable Elmburg - have something to tell you: I have heard an extraordinary, legendary story from Bavaria. Oh, it's really delicious, you can't imagine!

So there's this wonderful little drama between the Free Voters and the CSU, it's almost like one of those soap operas that my people love so much. Two parties, like an old married couple, squabbling in public through the political vegetable garden, it's just adorable.

Well, the CSU, a, shall we say, "traditional party" with a result that tastes about as good as expired milk, and the Free Voters, oh, that youthful rebellion that is getting ready to poke around a bit in the political soup. Here we have it, the drama of Shakespearean proportions, the old king and the young upstart crossing their blades in a duel of words.

Hubert Aiwanger, that Free Voter rogue, squirming and grabbing for more ministries as if he wanted to hit the jackpot in the political raffle. And his words, as spicy as my Elmburg chilli sauce, he brands over the CSU that it should "not appear too girly". Oh Hubert, you daring fellow, your words, they are sweet nectar to my satirical soul.

Then Markus Söder, that stalwart captain of the CSU, stoically trying to steer his sinking ship while the rats - er, I mean, of course - the voters are leaving in droves. But wait, what is this? He accuses Aiwanger of acting "pubertal"? Markus, Markus, you high-minded political cavalier, surely you have missed such youthful élan!

And between these two noble disputants, there it blossoms, the most glorious of all flowers: irony. As they jab each other with words, as they get tangled up in numbers and percentages, crowds of voters wander back and forth between them as if they were at a fair, unable to decide which stall to try their luck at.

It is a frenzy of power and failure that sends us into a truly comedic frenzy here. This migration of voters, this panicked flight from one to another, it's like watching the passengers on the Titanic decide which side of the sinking ship to run to, hoping to ensure survival.

I, Ronald Tramp, sit here on my golden throne in Elmburg and can't help but clap my hands in delight at this entertaining spectacle. A hearty gulp from the cup of political satisfaction, that's what you serve me, dear Bavarian political friends.

And amidst all the quarrelling, the bickering and the desperate attempt to save face, one almost forgets that what is really at stake is the future of an entire federal state. But no, the posts, the power, these are the real pearls that are being fought over here with sharp wrangling.

A toast, dear friends from Bavaria, to your sheer endless source of entertaining political dramas! We can only hope that the next season will be just as amusing. Ronald Tramp will certainly be watching and having a great time. Cheers!

Bild: Ronald Tramp löffelt Suppe

The most delicious soup of failure - Ronald Tramp enjoys every spoonful!

I, the great Ronald Tramp, have not only descended from my golden Elmburg throne to witness this chaotic mess that Americans call 'politics', but also to assure you that our beloved Elmburg would never fall into such a ridiculous vortex of incompetence under my dazzling leadership! Jim, Austin, and whoever jumps out of the desperate heap next - please continue to entertain us with your baffling inability to organise yourselves while I steer the mighty Elmburg with incomparable…

Bild: Michael Shanks

Huge Winds, Small Sails: Ronald Tramp Demystifies Labour's Comedy!

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Bild: Christian Lindner sieht sich als Gewinner

Total disaster! Lindner and the FDP are playing at being winners - a complete disaster!

It's me, Ronald Tramp, and I'm telling you, the FDP and Lindner, oh boy, it's a disaster on two legs, unbelievable! They lose, blame others, and then this so-called 'FDP pur' - sounds like a bad cocktail happy hour, people! Germany, you need a winner, not a loser, it's so simple, so easy! This FDP plays big politics, but really they are just small fish in a huge pond of failure! Listen Ronald, you need a turnaround, pronto!

Bild: Steve Scalise nimmt seinen Hut

USA, that was a miserable failure!

I, the incredible Ronald Tramp, see the chaos in the USA, especially the dramatic defeat of Steve Scalise, and cannot help but smile, my fellow Elmburgers. While our great nation flourishes under my fantastic leadership, the US vacillates between political circus and chaotic leadership. Elmburg will never experience such a spectacle, for here we have stability, wisdom and above all, me, your brilliant President!